3rd Quarter Audiobook Challenge Update


Audiobook Challenge 2016

It’s been another busy three months since our last update. Here are our most recent listens.

1st Quarter Audiobook Challenge Update

2nd Quarter Audiobook Challeng Update

Reading Challenge Details:

  • Runs January 1, 2016 – December 31, 2016. You can join at any time.
  • The goal is to find a new love for audios or to outdo yourself by listening to more audios in 2016 than you did in 2015.
  • Books must be in audio format (CD, MP3, etc.)
  • ANY genres count.
  • Re-reads and crossovers from other reading challenges are allowed.
  • You do not have to be a book blogger to participate; you can track your progress on Goodreads, Shelfari, Booklikes, Facebook, LibraryThing, etc.
  • If you’re a blogger grab the button (on the sidebar) and do a quick post about the challenge to help spread the word. If you’re not a blogger you can help by posting on Facebook or Tweeting about the challenge.


  • Newbie (I’ll give it a try) 1-5
  • Weekend Warrior (I’m getting the hang of this) 5-10
  • Stenographer (can listen while multi-tasking) 10-15
  • Socially Awkward (Don’t talk to me) 15-20
  • Binge Listener (Why read when someone can do it for you) 20-30
  • My Precious (I had my earbuds surgically implanted) 30-50
  • Marathoner (Look Ma no hands) 50+

Wendy 2

Summer is a great time for audiobooks since it means I spend more time walking, which is when I do most of my audiobook listening. I walk to and from work everyday, enjoying the scenery, catching Pokémon, and listening to my latest reads from the library of Audible. I’ve made it to my long goal of My Precious with 39 audiobooks — but the year’s not over yet! Maybe I’ll make it to Marathoner after all!

8440e-firefight 9ae5f-daysofbloodandstarlight parable of the sower by octavia butler Divergent gregor the overlander

the last kingdom the host wolfspeaker Lost Stars the twelve

aliens robogenesis f14a2-dreamsofgodsandmonsters hollow city The Scorched Earth

Mogsy 2

I’m so close! I’m aiming for Marathoner, and at the time of this posting my total tally is 45 audiobooks so far for the year. At this point, I think it’s safe to say I’ll make my goal, as there are still plenty more books on my audio-wishlist for the rest of the year.

Underground Airlines The Sword of Midras The Unnoticeables RD 1 selects A The Dragon Lords Fool's Gold Bite

Behind the Throne Borderline False Hearts Stiletto Ghost Talkers

Poisoned Blade Empire of Storms forsaken-skies


I actually haven’t had as much time as I’d hope these last three months for speculative literature, but I have listened to quite a few books for work and a couple because of general interest. I’ve beat all my goals, so I am hoping to finish strong on the speculative front by the end of the year.

Blood of the Earth joel-osteen the-trials-of-apollo peace-from-broken-pieces business-writing

decision-making innovation knowledge-management presentations project-management




8 Comments on “3rd Quarter Audiobook Challenge Update”

  1. Maybe I should join this challenge next year and go for newbie – surely I could manage one audio book and who knows, I may end up loving it! Still, small steps, first I need to go away and figure out what the hell to do.
    Very impressive lists ladies, well done 😀


    • In my experience, your first audiobook and who the narrator is matters very much when it comes to seeing whether or not you can click with the format. I wish you the best of luck if you do decide to try! 🙂


    • In my experience, audiobooks are actually much easier to fit in during busy times – my hands may be busy or I might be running around, but as long as I can spare the attention, I can listen to audiobooks whenever! 😀


  2. That’s a lot of audiobooks! I’m a total Newbie though. I think I’m on my 5th one now. I’ve decided to revisit the Harry Potter series using audiobooks and I’m loving it so far. They’re great for monotonous tasks at work.


  3. Pingback: 4th Quarter Audiobook Challenge Update | The BiblioSanctum

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