Friday Face-Off: Summer

Welcome to The Friday Face-Off, a weekly meme created by Books by Proxy! Each Friday, we will pit cover against cover while also taking the opportunity to showcase gorgeous artwork and feature some of our favorite book covers. If you want to join the fun, simply choose a book each Friday that fits that week’s predetermined theme, post and compare two or more different covers available for that book, then name your favorite. A list of future weeks’ themes are available at Lynn’s Book Blog.

This week’s theme is:

“One swallow does not make a summer”
a cover that makes you think of SUMMER

Mogsy’s Pick:

Something in the Water by Catherine Steadman

When I think of summer, I think of warm sunshine, pristine beaches, stretches of white sand and the pounding surf. Tropical retreats like the island paradise of Bora Bora. It’s the last place you’d expect trouble to find you, which is why domestic thrillers like Something in the Water can be so effective. Just a few weeks ago, our protagonists Erin, a young up-and-coming documentary filmmaker, and her husband Mark, an investment banker, were celebrating their honeymoon in the South Pacific when their boat suddenly bumped up against something in the water. And what they found in those crystal blue depths changed everything in their lives.

Let’s take a look at some of the covers:

From left to right:
Ballantine (2018) – Simon & Schuster UK Hardcover (2018) – Simon & Schuster UK Paperback (2019)

Romanian Edition (2019) – Bulgarian Edition (2018) – Serbian Edition (2018)

Dutch Edition (2019) – Estonian Edition (2018) – Persian Edition (2018)

Italian Edition (2019) – Spanish Edition (2018) – Greek Edition (2018)


Admit it, several of these covers made you squint extra hard to try and see if you could make out anything in the water which would give you some clues as to what this book is about. Of course, I’ve read it and I know what it was that Erin and Mark found, but I’m not gonna tell, muahahahaha! Anyway, my favorite this week is probably the Dutch edition, which manages to be “summery” and “ominous” at the same time.

But what do you think? Which one is your favorite?

29 Comments on “Friday Face-Off: Summer”

  1. I can definitely see the summery AND ominous in your pick! I also like the Ballantine one; I personally enjoy 2D graphics more. 😉 Btw, that Persian one is kinda cute…not sure if that fits the vibe though? 😂


  2. I like the Dutch edition too as well as the Romanian edition. I don’t even know that I’m familiar with this book but I want to check it out. So since you’ve read it, help me here. Please tell me that there isn’t a French Maid poking her eye out with a feather duster hiding in the water. That would be terrifying!


  3. I’m leaning toward the Ballantine edition, but I haven’t read the book so I don’t know if it’s a good representation. But wow, that Persian edition is weird!


  4. Oh yes! The Dutch cover is an ominous one, despite the bright colors and the sun’s rays reflecting in the water… It feels like those scary movies where you know that something terrible is just behind the door… 😀


  5. Ooh nice- love the sound of this! I like the first cover a lot, but the second one is awesome too with the ladder descending into the water… that’s a nice touch. 🙂 The Italian one is kinda ominous, and I even like the Greek one a bit.


  6. Oh yes – I think you’ve nailed it with your summertime choice this week, Mogsy – who doesn’t think of lovely sunny seaside days? I love your favourite, but I’m also very drawn to the Ballantine edition, too!


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