Waiting on Wednesday 01/02/19

Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme that first originated at Breaking the Spine but has since linked up with “Can’t Wait Wednesday” at Wishful Endings now that the original creator is unable to host it anymore. Either way, this fun feature is a chance to showcase the upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

Protect The Prince by Jennifer Estep (July 2nd, 2019 by HarperVoyager)

I discovered quite a few favorite new-to-me authors in 2018 (there will be a top ten list coming very soon), and one of them was Jennifer Estep. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Kill The Queen, which was a highly enjoyable read despite the story’s heavy reliance on well-worn fantasy tropes. It was the perfect book to kick back and relax with, and I’m looking for more of that light entertaining good fun with the sequel.

“Magic, murder, adventure, and romance combine in this second novel in the exciting Crown of Shards saga from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Estep.

Everleigh Blair might be the new gladiator queen of Bellona, but her problems are far from over.

First, Evie has to deal with a court full of arrogant, demanding nobles, all of whom want to get their greedy hands on her crown. As if that wasn’t bad enough, an assassin tries to kill Evie in her own throne room.

Despite the dangers, Evie goes ahead with a scheduled trip to the neighboring kingdom of Andvari in order to secure a desperately needed alliance. But complicating matters is the stubborn Andvarian king, who wants to punish Evie for the deaths of his countrymen during the Seven Spire massacre.

But dark forces are at work inside the Andvarian palace, and Evie soon realizes that no one is safe. Worse, Evie’s immunity to magic starts acting in strange, unexpected ways, which makes her wonder whether she is truly strong enough to be a Winter Queen.

But Evie’s magic, life, and crown aren’t the only things in danger—so is her heart, thanks to Lucas Sullivan, the Andvarian king’s bastard son and Evie’s . . . well, Evie isn’t quite sure what Sullivan is to her.

Only one thing is certain—protecting a prince might be even harder than killing a queen…”

27 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 01/02/19”

  1. I had planned to read the first book which sounded interesting but seeing that this one has a bunch of arrogant characters and descends into romance I think I’ll give the series a miss!


  2. OOh nice! I just got approved for this with Edelweiss! Might be awhile before I can get to it but I can’t wait! Hope you will love it when you get to read it!

    Here’s my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂


  3. Sometimes well worn tropes are the perfect fit for what you most need (at that particular moment). I do like the sound of this series and as I’m not too far behind (yet) I should maybe give this a go.
    Lynn 😀


  4. Completely missed the first book’s release last year, but I am intrigued! And to be honest, I don’t think I’ll ever grow bored of any “over-used” fantasy trope. If an author is a good storyteller, it doesn’t matter if their following a prearranged formally; it’ll still be a great read 🙂


  5. Oh yes I recall your review (not so far ago I think) and you being pleasantly surprised! I hope the sequel will meet your expectations Mogsy 😉


  6. A book that lets you “kick back and relax”, allowing you to lose yourself in some far away place is always a good one, and it hardly matters if it relies on well-known elements: if the storytelling is good, the rest takes care of itself.
    That said, I need to get the first volume in this series, so thank you for reminding me 😉


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