Waiting on Wednesday 02/01/17

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that lets us feature upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

The Only Child by Andrew Pyper (June 6, 2017 by Simon & Schuster)

I swear, last year it felt like I was discovering new and interesting horror titles and adding them to my TBR left and right. In comparison, 2017 is feeling a little light on its horror offerings, but they’re out there all right. Take The Only Child, a book I only found out about recently, but it took only a glance at the author and description for me to add it to my must-read list. Andrew Pyper is an author I read for the first time only a couple years ago when I picked up The Damned, but I became an instant fan and I’m thrilled that he’ll have a new book out this summer.

the-only-child“The #1 internationally bestselling author of The Demonologist radically reimagines the origins of gothic literature’s founding masterpieces—Frankenstein, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and Dracula—in a contemporary novel driven by relentless suspense and surprising emotion. This is the story of a man who may be the world’s one real-life monster, and the only woman who has a chance of finding him.

As a forensic psychiatrist at New York’s leading institution of its kind, Dr. Lily Dominick has evaluated the mental states of some of the country’s most dangerous psychotics. But the strangely compelling client she interviewed today—a man with no name, accused of the most twisted crime—struck her as somehow different from the others, despite the two impossible claims he made.

First, that he is more than two hundred years old and personally inspired Mary Shelley, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Bram Stoker in creating the three novels of the nineteenth century that define the monstrous in the modern imagination. Second, that he’s Lily’s father. To discover the truth—behind her client, her mother’s death, herself—Dr. Dominick must embark on a journey that will threaten her career, her sanity, and ultimately her life.

Fusing the page-turning tension of a first-rate thriller with a provocative take on where thrillers come from, The Only Child will keep you up until its last unforgettable revelation.”

13 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 02/01/17”

  1. I own two of his books which I still need to read – The Demonologist and The Damned. I’ve heard really great things about him though so I’m sure they will be enjoyable. I didn’t know he had a new one coming out. We horror buffs have to stick together to keep ferreting out new releases so thanks for sharing this one!


  2. Ooh, love the gothic inspiration. Can’t wait to read your review of this one! As an English major…this might be one horror I can’t pass up 😉


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