Book Review and International Giveaway: The Geomancer by Clay Griffith and Susan Griffith

*** The giveaway is now over, thank you to everyone who entered! ***

A review copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

The GeomancerThe Geomancer by Clay Griffith and Susan Griffith

Genre: Fantasy, Steampunk

Series: Book 1 of Vampire Empire: A Gareth and Adele Novel

Publisher: Pyr (11/3/15)

Author Information: Website | Twitter

Mogsy’s Rating: 4 of 5 stars

Oh, Adele and Gareth. I just want to wrap them both up in a nice warm hug. How apropos it is that my favorite fictional power couple of steampunk is back this fall in a new adventure written by my favorite real-life literary power couple of fantasy fiction. Three years after the end of the original trilogy, Clay Griffith and Susan Griffith return to the world of Vampire Empire with The Geomancer, the first book of a new spinoff series.

This book is the beginning of a new chapter in every way. The vampire clans in the north have been decimated, their hold on Britain shattered. Empress Adele of Equatoria and her consort the vampire prince Gareth are looking to the future, trying to work together to bring back order. Humans are starting to feel safe on the streets of London again. The war here with the vampires is over.

Or is it? Barely half a year has passed since Adele brought death and destruction to the enemy by using her powers of geomancy, but already there are rumors spreading that vampires are making their return. An investigation into a string of bloody murders in London confirm their worst fears—somehow vampires have found a way to resist the killing powers of geomancy. At the same time, news comes of a mysterious human known as the Witchfinder who has thrown in with the new vampire regime, with plans to help them kill humans on a massive scale. There’s no doubt that the two events are connected, and the path to stopping this new threat will lead our characters on an epic quest across the globe, from the warm heart of Equatoria in Alexandria to the cold, icy mountains of Tibet.

The Geomancer is exciting, action-packed, emotional, and I’m delighted to report that there’s plenty to love here for fans new and old. Readers who began the journey from the beginning with the original series will be happy to be reunited with these wonderful characters, while first-timers will be able to jump right in. The narrative is taking the next step towards resolving the conflict between humans and vampires, and we’re swept along for the ride. There are new dangers to face, new foes to fight, new challenges to overcome, and in this novel Adele and Gareth are perhaps facing the toughest question yet: Can their two species ever learn to co-exist?

For all the good Gareth has done for humans in the guise of the hero Greyfriar, his secret identity remains closely guarded. The world is not ready for the truth, nor is it ready to accept Adele and Gareth’s romantic relationship. One day that time will come, and until then the two of them will just have to do what they can to change people’s minds, one tiny step at a time. But before that can happen, both of them are going to have to deal with his or her own personal demons.

For Gareth, who spends a lot of time struggling with his pride and dealing with a lot of self-doubt in this book, this can be quite a harrowing and emotional journey.  Adele herself fears that the awesome power of geomancy might be doing more harm than good, especially since it is a force no one truly understands. But through it all, you can be sure the two of them are going to be there for each other, because if there’s one thing the Griffiths have always done right in this series, it’s the romance. The authors have done an outstanding job with these characters, further developing their relationship. Things are still interesting even after four books, and I just love how Gareth and Adele are closer now than ever before.

It’s also great to be back in this world, which I’ve always admired for its uniqueness. The setting is a great mix of alternate history, paranormal, and steampunk, and the vampires here are like nothing you’ve ever seen before. Kudos to the Griffiths for putting a fresh twist on an old trope. I also enjoyed how this book brought us to new places, like the hidden monastery in Tibet where I found a couple of new favorite characters among its intriguing residents. The vampire queen Caterina’s chapters also gave us a closer look at the treacherous power-plays as well as a burgeoning vampire rebellion in the overgrown ruins of Paris.

So if you’re curious about this series, this is a fantastic point to jump on board. I believe fans of the original trilogy will also be very happy with this new beginning, especially since familiarity with the people and places will make the experience all the more rewarding. Either way, prepare for love, action, adventure, and an explosive ending that promises even more to come.

4 stars

21 Comments on “Book Review and International Giveaway: The Geomancer by Clay Griffith and Susan Griffith”

    • The original Vampire Empire trilogy is fun, and so is their new Crown and Key trilogy that came out this summer. I still have to read the third book of that one though 🙂


  1. The fact that book is not tied down by events of previous trilogy is what I wanted to hear. Excited about this one, 😀


    • Yep! It’s supposed to be a new jumping on point for readers coming to this world for the first time. I would say there are some references to past events, people and places, but they explain them thoroughly so a newcomer won’t have a hard time at all catching up 🙂


  2. I’m very happy to hear this can be read before the first three books. Although I do have plans of going back and catching up. I just love the Griffiths, they are the cutest married couple ever, right?


    • They are! It must be so nice being able to partner up on writing projects with your significant other. I keep trying to get my husband to team up with me on NaNoWriMo, but no luck 😛


  3. Love this series, one of my all time favorites. I was so excited when I heard they were writing more books, can’t get enough of Adele and Gareth. Thanks for the giveaway


    • I know what you mean. Whenever I see a new series or spin off by an author I’ve always wanted to check out, I just about always jump on board. It’s just such a great opportunity.


  4. I loved this. Adele and Gareth are a great couple to read about. I couldn’t make my mind up if this could be read as a read alone or not -but I’m glad you think so. I think I’ve read these all in such quick succession that it was difficult to say – plus I did love the first book!
    Lynn 😀


  5. Pingback: The Geomancer by Clay and Susan Griffiths | Books and travelling with Lynn

  6. That’s great that the you can just pick up the new trilogy without reading the old one! I usually can’t bring myself to do that though lol. This series sounds like it’s really something special. I enjoyed the authors’ writing in their other trilogy, the non vampire one, so I should give this one a try. How is it on gruesomeness? That was my only qualm with their book.


  7. Pingback: Mogsy’s Bookshelf Roundup: Stacking the Shelves, NaNoWriMo, Recent Reads | The BiblioSanctum

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