Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Thorne

I received a review copy from the publisher. This does not affect the contents of my review and all opinions are my own.

Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Thorne

Mogsy’s Rating: 3 of 5 stars

Genre: Fantasy, Romance

Series: Book 1 of Tomes & Tea

Publisher: Bramble (May 7, 2024)

Length: 352 pages

Author Information: Website

The indie published Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea caught my attention after its re-release from Bramble, especially once it started drawing frequent comparisons to the cozy slice-of-life fantasy Legends and Lattes.

Blending magic, romance, and a charming bookstore with a tea shop, the story follows two women, Reyna and Kianthe, who come from very different walks of life. Ever since she could remember, Reyna was taught that hard work was the way to achieve her goals. Tireless training eventually led her into the service of the ruthless Queen Tilaine, becoming one of her elite royal guards. At the palace, she meets Kianthe, known as the Arcandor, the title held by the most powerful mage in the land. Against all odds, the two of them fall in love, but must keep their relationship a secret due to their conflicting responsibilities which prevent them from building a future together.

However, in the aftermath of an assassination attempt, Reyna suddenly realizes she’s had enough of life under her cruel and uncaring monarch. Throwing caution to the wind, she and Kianthe escape into the countryside, determined to never look back. An opportunity now lies before them—one they’d never dared to dream before. They are now free to act on their own, to travel the world if they pleased. But Reyna and Kianthe decide to settle in the small town of Tawney perched on the edge of dragon country. There, they set their sights on an old barn which they plan to repurpose into a tea and bookshop where patrons can enjoy a hot brew with a good book. The locals are quick to embrace the idea, making the newcomers feel at home. But while the couple are busy building their dream, the queen’s spies have been busy combing the countryside looking for the Arcandor and her girlfriend the wayward guard.

What we end up with is a close reflection of the novel’s title—a cute and cozy, warm and welcoming, fun and slightly quirky read. It is definitely considered niche—some action is present, but it mostly takes a backseat. Much of the plot revolve around the love story between our two protagonists which unfolds against a backdrop of magic, intrigue and the quiet rhythms of everyday life in a small town. The novel isn’t going to be for everyone, but would be perfect for readers seeking solace in a sweet, whimsical romance rather than high stakes and epic battles.

Admittedly, this isn’t my usual genre, but I don’t mind indulging in a bit of cozy romantasy every now and then. There’s something enchanting and calming about the quiet magic of this book that drew me in. Plus, Reyna and Kianthe’s journey isn’t just about their romance; it’s also about self-discovery, sacrifice and striking the balance between love and duty. Was this an enthralling, can’t-put-it-down read? No, but to her credit, Rebecca Thorne’s writing and storytelling kept me interested even through the slower moving uneventful parts.

Bottom line, I might not have been the target audience for Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea, but it still enjoyed it for its warm and gentle escapism, its dash of comfy romance, and just a sprinkle of tricks and whimsy. I’ll probably need a break before I dive into my next romantasy, but I’ll definitely be penciling time to check out the sequel when it comes out.

8 Comments on “Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Thorne”

  1. Based on similar reviews to yours, I skipped this book. But I think if I didn’t have so many other books to read I’d pick it up!


  2. Well I might be the target audience so I’ll give it a go and see what happens Mogsy 😉


  3. Nice article. Books are the vehicle where one finds the best examples of character study. Admittedly, Can’t Spell Treason Without Tea by Rebecca Thorne is a book I’ll probably not read, but I did enjoy reading this review article.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve been hearing such a lot about this one, but can’t decide if – oh, I mean I have to make the pun, don’t I?? – if it’s my cup of tea or not 😉 Sorry 😉


  5. Glad you enjoyed it, even if it’s not a favorite. I suspect I’m also not the target audience though I did thoroughly enjoy Legends & Lattes. That one seemed to strike the right balance for me, which actually surprised me a bit.


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