Waiting on Wednesday 01/27/21

Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme that first originated at Breaking the Spine but has since linked up with “Can’t Wait Wednesday” at Wishful Endings now that the original creator is unable to host it anymore. Either way, this fun feature is a chance to showcase the upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff (September 2021 by St. Martin’s Press/Harper Voyager UK)

I suspect we’ll be seeing this one around a lot today, with the UK cover having been revealed last week. And no wonder they kept it under wraps and teasing us for so long, what a beaut! It may be the perfect time for vampires to make a comeback, and I’m curious to see how Kristoff will tackle them.

“From holy cup comes holy light.
The faithful hand sets world aright.
And in the seven martyrs’ sight,
Mere man shall end this endless night.”

Twenty-seven years have passed since the last sunrise, and for almost three decades, the creatures of the night have walked the day without fear. Once, humanity fought bravely against the coldblood legions, but now, we exist only in a few scattered settlements—tiny sparks of light in a growing sea of darkness.

Gabriel de León is the last of the Silversaints, a holy order dedicated to defending realm and church, now utterly destroyed. Imprisoned for the murder of the vampiric king, Gabriel is charged with telling the story of his life.

His tale spans years, from his youth in the monastery of San Michon, to the forbidden love that spelled his undoing, and the betrayal that saw his order annihilated. Most importantly, Gabriel will tell the story of the Grail—the legendary cup prophesied to bring an end to the eternal night, whose location is known to a single person: A smart-mouthed teenage urchin named Dior.

Their journey with a band of unlikely allies would see Dior and Gabriel forge an unbreakable bond, and set the broken paragon on a road to redemption.

But now, the Grail is shattered. And with the cup of the Redeemer destroyed and the last Silversaint awaiting execution, what can bring an end to this undying empire?

From the New York Times bestselling author of the Nevernight Chronicle, Jay Kristoff, comes the first illustrated volume of an astonishing new dark fantasy saga.”

26 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 01/27/21”

  1. That is an amazing cover – and if I was up for it, I’d be looking out for this one. But right now, I want something a lot less bleak! Let’s hope by the time it is released Life will be easier:))


  2. I often feel vampires have been thoroughly overdone by now. And yet, if I’m honest with myself, I always feel at least a little prickle of excitement and interest when I hear about another vampire-inspired story, hoping it will be something special even as I suspect it won’t. So here’s to hoping. 🙂


  3. Hmm, I could potentially be up for this. I love a good vampire story, when done right. I’ll have to wait a see a few reviews…


  4. I knew I’d see this one a lot this week. And look, he’s kind of hiding but Booksnake had to hone in on the action.


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