Best of 2020 and the Year in Review

It’s once again that time of the year where I look back at the last twelve months and round up my favorite reads! As always, my methods are going to be rather haphazard, but as you know I read a TON of books and having to narrow it down to just “Top 10” or even “Top 20” is a difficult (if not impossible) task. That’s why I’ve opted not to do a traditional list, and instead I’m going to be breaking this post down into different genres/categories to highlight all the books that 1) were my favorites of the year, 2) I thought were most memorable, or 3) I think should be getting more love and attention. The one thing they have in common is that I loved them all.

It was definitely an interesting year! It was also busier, meaning less reading time. As a result, I read about 40 fewer books than my yearly average.


Science Fiction



Urban Fantasy/Paranormal

Young Adult





Overview: Books Read in 2020

Goodreads Ratings:

More on The BiblioSanctum:
Best of 2014 and The Year in Review
Best of 2015 and The Year in Review
Best of 2016 and The Year in Review
Best of 2017 and The Year in Review
Best of 2018 and The Year in Review
Best of 2019 and The Year in Review

31 Comments on “Best of 2020 and the Year in Review”

  1. This was a great year Mogsy! And two Sandersons? That gives me hope as I just ordered Mistborn! I am determined to read more of his books!


  2. 163 books do make you a power reader, indeed! 🙂
    I have Kloos’ first volume in the series already lined up, so seeing the second book listed among your 2020 best is very encouraging. And of course the Donovan series never fails to be rated among the best!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Poor girl, only 163 books 🤪🤣🤣
    I still have to read Rhythm of War – my reread takes quite long; but that’s no problem, because we all will wait for the next volume three years long.
    The other two books I‘ve read and liked were Bone Shard Daughters and Vanishing Birds.
    I missed „House of Styx“ in your list.


    • It was the school shutdowns, mostly. Early in the spring was the worst because the teachers were pretty much just posting their materials online, so I was basically forced to take on homeschooling duties. Fall was easier with live online instruction, but my youngest is in kindergarten requiring constant hand holding from morning announcements to the end of day. I am also a self-employed contractor doing data analysis so admittedly I also took on a lot more work to try and make up for lost time 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. So many fantastic looking books here. The only I’ve read is The Archer at Dawn and I loved that one, too. One of my next reads will be The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, and now I’m hoping to get a copy of Shiver after your recent review. Great list!


    • I loved the Archer at Dawn! I’m glad I’m not the only one who is enjoying that series 🙂 I hope you’ll enjoy Addie LaRue, it’s probably in my top 3 this year 😀 Shiver was amazing too, awesome locked room mystery!


  5. It looks like you had a pretty good year! I see a lot of books that also made my list, and I see a few I’d love to read if I have time. My big miss this year was reading more YA, I think only two made the list this year😬


  6. Wow! That’s a lot you read. And many of these are on my TBR. I’m waiting for Addie Larue to be paperback, but might get to Bard’s Blade early next year since I have the ebook.


  7. I also surprisingly read fewer books this year! Ah well, better luck next year! Some great ones on here and some ones I still need to get to! Really would love to start The Tiger at Midnight Series this year. Also need to decide when I’m finally going to sit down and read Rhythm of War…..


  8. Pingback: Best of 2021 and the Year in Review | The BiblioSanctum

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