Friday Face-Off: Horizon

Welcome to The Friday Face-Off, a weekly meme created by Books by Proxy! Each Friday, we will pit cover against cover while also taking the opportunity to showcase gorgeous artwork and feature some of our favorite book covers. If you want to join the fun, simply choose a book each Friday that fits that week’s predetermined theme, post and compare two or more different covers available for that book, then name your favorite. A list of future weeks’ themes are available at Lynn’s Book Blog.

This week’s theme is:

“Your ‘beautiful’ ship killed its crew, Doctor.”
~ a cover featuring a HORIZON

Mogsy’s Pick:

The Mad Scientist’s Daughter by Cassandra Rose Clarke

There’s something dreamy and everlasting about the concept of a horizon, which is probably why the original cover for this book immediately popped into my head when I saw what was today’s theme. At its core, The Mad Scientist’s Daughter is a love story, but it is also a heartbreaking character study of its protagonist Caterina Novak, daughter of a brilliant yet a eccentric inventor and cybernetics expert. We follow Cat’s development from childhood to her adult years, witnessing as, at five years old, she first lays eyes on Finn, the android her father brings home to be her tutor. But as Cat grows, she discovers Finn is different from other androids. With every year that passes, their relationship becomes increasingly complicated as Cat starts to see Finn as someone more than just a tutor and friend.

When Angry Robot was sold to Watkins Media, a lot of their books/authors also ended up being picked up and re-issued by Saga Press, and this was one of them. So today we’ll be doing a simple head to head, comparing the covers to these two editions:

Angry Robot (2013) vs. Saga Press (2016)


Although the newer Saga cover has an edgier and more modern look, there’s a reason why the original Angry Robot cover works so well. I feel it is better at capturing the atmosphere and tone of the story, and the art style also lends the image quite a bit of nostalgia and personality, not to mention it uses the horizon to great effect.

But what do you think? Which one is your favorite?

25 Comments on “Friday Face-Off: Horizon”

  1. I know you’re never to judge a book but its cover, but that original Angry Robot cover I would definitely pick up off the shelf. The other? Not so sure.


  2. Oh, it has to be the Angry Robot cover – apart from anything else, the robot WASN’T the scientist’s daughter! I loved this book… you’re right – it’s got a highly memorable, almost dreamlike quality. Fabulous choice for this week!


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