Waiting on Wednesday 07/17/19

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme that first originated at Breaking the Spine but has since linked up with “Can’t Wait Wednesday” at Wishful Endings now that the original creator is unable to host it anymore. Either way, this fun feature is a chance to showcase the upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

Violet by Scott Thomas (October 15, 2019 by Inkshares)

You might recall how much I enjoyed Scott Thomas’ horror novel Kill Creek which was about four horror writers who agree to take part in a publicity stunt by spending a night at a haunted house. I have been waiting for news of next project since, and last week I finally got my answer when a mysterious package arrived from Inkshares and inside was Violet. Needless to say, I wasted no time in looking it up, and it sounds amazing!

“For many children, the summer of 1988 was filled with sunshine and laughter. But for ten-year-old Kris Barlow, it was her chance to say goodbye to her dying mother.

Three decades later, loss returns—her husband killed in a car accident. And so, Kris goes home to the place where she first knew pain—to that summer house overlooking the crystal waters of Lost Lake. It’s there that Kris and her eight-year-old daughter will make a stand against grief.

But a shadow has fallen over the quiet lake town of Pacington, Kansas. Beneath its surface, an evil has grown—and inside that home where Kris Barlow last saw her mother, an old friend awaits her return.”

19 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 07/17/19”

  1. Well Mogsy the blurb is chilling! Recently I cam across a quizz asking what our favorite trope in horror was (and I don’t like horror) but I chose “He is waiting inside the house” LOL


  2. I love how “evil” is always growing in lakes, sewers, small towns, etc. It is like potatoes, it just keeps sprouting up. Now if only someone could harness that growing power, the world wouldn’t need another energy source a very long time!


    • Yeah, the problem is that he’s got such a common name, it was hard searching goodreads for any new books he might have coming up, which is why I missed hearing about this one until it literally landed on my doorstep!


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