Waiting on Wednesday 05/08/19

Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme that first originated at Breaking the Spine but has since linked up with “Can’t Wait Wednesday” at Wishful Endings now that the original creator is unable to host it anymore. Either way, this fun feature is a chance to showcase the upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

Beautiful by Juliet Marillier (May 30, 2019 by Audible Studios)

It’s a good time to be an audiobook listener, as the recent market has exploded and we are seeing more audio publishers starting to put out audio-only limited exclusives–that is, books that are only available in audio to start, with print and ebook editions coming out at a much later stage. Audible Studios has been doing this for a while now, and to my great excitement, at the end of the month they’ll be releasing the Audible Original Beautiful written by none other than Juliet Marillier, one of my favorite authors. This book is an expanded story based on her novella of the same name and will be a three-part saga about a princess inspired by Nordic fairy tales.

“With the Nordic fairy tale East of the Sun and West of the Moon as her inspiration, Juliet Marillier weaves a magical story of a young princess’s search for her true self.

Hulde is a queen’s daughter and lives in a palace. But her life is lonely. Growing up atop the glass mountain, she knows only her violent and autocratic mother and a household of terrified servants. 

Then a white bear named Rune comes to visit, and Hulde learns what kindness is. 

But the queen has a plan for Hulde. When she turns 16, she will wed the most beautiful man in all the world. Hulde has never met her intended husband, and her mother refuses to explain the arrangement. Hulde becomes desperate to find out more, and seeks the help of a magic mirror. Perhaps someone is coming to her rescue. 

On her wedding day, Hulde’s existence is turned upside down. For the first time she leaves the glass mountain behind, setting out to be as brave as the heroines in her beloved story book. 

The journey will test Hulde to the limit. Can she overcome her fears and take control of her own life?”


22 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 05/08/19”

  1. I’ve recently been thinking about jumping into Juliet Marillier’s works (I’ve heard such great things!) I didn’t know books were being published as audiobooks first, so that’s super cool! 😀


  2. Ooh, I want this. I’m picking up my audio more often now in fact I’ve just finished the second Belcher book of the Brotherhood – which was really good, and I’m playing Stephen King’s Sleeping Beauties.
    I still have credits so I’ll go and grab a copy of this one I think.
    Lynn 😀


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