Most Anticipated Releases of 2019: April to June

The snow is melting, the grass is growing, and the days are finally getting warmer. It’s time to look ahead to the Science Fiction and Fantasy reads I’m most excited about in the months of April to June. Not only is it fun to organize my reading and to make lists, they also have the added benefit of focusing my attention to the highly anticipated releases that I’d like to check out. This year, I decided to try something a little different by posting a list every quarter to make the TBR seem more manageable. There’s already an impressive tower of books on my to-read pile, and while I’m under no illusions that I’ll be able to read them all, hopefully I can get to most of them (and also put some new books on people’s radars)!

What are your most anticipated releases for the second quarter of 2019?


April 2 Descendant of the Crane by Joan He, The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling, The Finder by Suzanne Palmer, Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan

April 9Holy Sister by Mark Lawrence

April 16 Atlas Alone by Emma Newman, The Binding by Bridget Collins, A Time of Blood by John Gwynne, Star Wars: Master & Apprentice by Claudia Gray

April 23 Wolfhunter River by Rachel Caine, Inspection by Josh Malerman, Storm of Locusts by Rebecca Roanhorse, A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World by C.A. Fletcher

April 30 The Unbound Empire by Melissa Caruso, Little Darlings by Melanie Golding




May 7 Aurora Rising by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, Storm Cursed by Patricia Briggs, Empire of Grass by Tad Williams

May 14 A Brightness Long Ago by Guy Gavriel Kay, Children of Ruin by Adrian Tchaikovsky, Pariah by W. Michael Gear

May 21 Queenslayer by Sebastien de Castell, The Favorite Daughter by Kaira Rouda, Starship Repo by Patrick S. Tomlinson


June 4 War of the Bastards by Andrew Shvarts, The Soul of Power by Callie Bates, Five Midnights by Ann Dávila Cardinal

June 11 Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron by Alexander Freed, Teeth in the Mist by Dawn Kurtagich, Recursion by Blake Crouch, The Fall by Tracy Townsend

June 18 The Girl in Red by Christina Henry

June 25 Wherever She Goes by Kelley Armstrong

44 Comments on “Most Anticipated Releases of 2019: April to June”

  1. Ooohh nice! I’ve read Holy Sister, A Time of Blood, and A Boy & His Dog; I loved them all! I hope you’ll love them too, Mogsy! There are plenty of other books on this list that I hope I’ll be able to get to! So many books!!!


  2. Yes I’m ready for spring! So many of these look good, but I’m especially excited about and/ or hopeful for Little Darlings, the Favorite Daughter, and Recursion!


  3. Damn, the next few months are crazy! I only got through April before I was drowning in my own anticipated releases list. I’m really looking forward to the new Star Wars books, and more Mercy Thompson! And Storm of Locusts!! And then all the sequels for series I haven’t started yet. 🙂

    One note, Blood Heir actually got pulled from release after a big Twitter storm. I was looking forward to it to, but sadly it has no release date in site.


      • It was pretty brutal to watch, and I feel bad for the author, especially because she didn’t grow up in the US and wasn’t steeped in how certain scenes might be read (though an editor or publisher maybe should have flagged it). The scene was problematic at worst and likely didn’t warrant the entire book being pulled. Especially when 90% of the people decrying it hadn’t read the scene let alone the book.


        • I just read a report on all that went down. It sounds completely absurd, to be honest. I can’t believe what has become of the YA community these days. I don’t even care what was in her book, to be honest; if it’s problematic, then it’s problematic and we can all discuss – but now that choice isn’t even available for anyone.

          And actually, the more I read, the more I’m disappointed with the author too. She didn’t grow up in the US but it does seem like she’s pretty savvy with the western culture and outspoken in social media, on the “same side” as those who had called for her head – which is the ironic part. It seemed like she caved to save her image.

          As someone who spent my childhood years in a communist fascist country where all media/speech is regulated by the government, I find one of the scariest/saddest things happening in America right now is when people actually, willingly choose to self-censor themselves.

          Liked by 1 person

      • Jumping into your conversation, I was so pissed when I found out about this! Twitter can be such a bitch. I feel like it’s dangerous to write anything without someone jumping on you.


  4. Just to name a few: A Time of Blood, The Unbound Empire, Pariah – these are at the top of my “wanted” list. And I’m reading A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World and totally LOVING it, even though at times it breaks my heart… 🙂


  5. So many of these are on my own most anticipated list! I’ve already gotten digital ARC’s of several of them thankfully, including Blood Heir, which I plan to post a review for on the original release date, regardless of the fact that it was pulled over some asinine interpretation of the content due to certain authors inability to look beyond the American version of slavery/history, which made the whole issue all the more ridiculous.

    I read Wicked Saints back in January I think and it is one of my absolute favorite books. If you like dark fantasy then you will really enjoy it. I’m dying for book two!

    One that I didn’t see on your list for June was Magic For Liars by Sarah Gailey. I received a physical ARC from Tor last month and I’m almost finished with it. It’s a murder mystery with a magical twist and an emphasis on character relationships and development.


    • That’s good to hear about your plans for Blood Heir! I am thinking of reading it too, just because it sounds great and I still want to read it. I got an eARC from NetGalley as well and it’s just a shame about what happened.

      And eee, I’m so excited to hear you enjoyed Wicked Saints! Lots of folks are praising that one, so I am very optimistic that I will like it too.

      And I am curious about Magic For Liars. Sarah Gailey hasn’t really worked for me in the past (didn’t enjoy her Hippo western series) but this one sounds sufficiently different enough that I might give her work another go 🙂


  6. Great list! I have heard of most of these 😀 (usually I am super behind on up and coming releases) I guess Aurora Rising had some controversy around the twittersphere this morning with people getting mad that they couldn’t get a special edition copy pre-ordered!


    • Yes, I loved your review for Wicked Saint and your praise and all the other positive things I’ve heard have got me even more excited! And let’s hope we’ll both love Aurora Rising, I have high hopes for that one! 😀


  7. Storm of Locusts yaaaassssssss. So excited for that one! I really need to catch up on that Melissa Caruso series too, I’ve only read the first one. So many great books to look forward to!


  8. Pingback: Books I Meant to Read In 2019 but Didn’t Get To | The BiblioSanctum

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