#RRSciFiMonth Waiting on Wednesday 11/21/18

Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme that first originated at Breaking the Spine but has since linked up with “Can’t Wait Wednesday” at Wishful Endings now that the original creator is unable to host it anymore. Either way, this fun feature is a chance to showcase the upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

Children of Ruin by Adrian Tchaikovsky (May 14, 2019 by Orbit)

Last year I had the pleasure of reading my first Adrian Tchaikovsky novel, Children of Time, and mere words cannot describe how much I loved it. As a life sciences geek, I often find myself drawn to works centered around organic technology and synthetic biology, or “biopunk”, and that book was probably one of the smartest, most remarkable and innovative science fiction novels I’ve read in years. I was thrilled when I learned there would be a sequel, described as a powerful follow-up to the 2016 Arthur C. Clarke Award winner.

“The astonishing sequel to Children of Time, the award-winning novel of humanity’s battle for survival on a terraformed planet.

Long ago, Earth’s terraforming program sent ships out to build new homes for humanity among the stars and made an unexpected discovery: a planet with life. But the scientists were unaware that the alien ecosystem was more developed than the primitive life forms originally discovered.

Now, thousands of years later, the Portiids and their humans have sent an exploration vessel following fragmentary radio signals. They discover a system in crisis, warring factions trying to recover from an apocalyptic catastrophe arising from what the early terraformers awoke all those years before.”

21 Comments on “#RRSciFiMonth Waiting on Wednesday 11/21/18”

  1. I have to admit, I’m hesitant about reading this one. I thought Children of Time was very well done and I was extremely happy with it being a standalone. So while I don’t doubt Tchaikovsky’s skill, I am disappointed that he didn’t do another standalone…


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