Friday Face-Off: Stormy Sky

Welcome to The Friday Face-Off, a weekly meme created by Books by Proxy! Each Friday, we will pit cover against cover while also taking the opportunity to showcase gorgeous artwork and feature some of our favorite book covers. If you want to join the fun, simply choose a book each Friday that fits that week’s predetermined theme, post and compare two or more different covers available for that book, then name your favorite. A list of future weeks’ themes are available at Lynn’s Book Blog.

This week’s theme is:

“Raining Cats and Dogs”
~ a cover featuring a STORMY SKY

Mogsy’s Pick:
The Young Elites by Marie Lu

Ten years ago, in the world of The Young Elites, an illness swept through the kingdom of Kennetra, killing many. Those children who survived were marked forever by distinctive scars and other features, like our protagonist Adelina Amouteru, who lost her left eye to the infection and also had her dark hair turn silver. Some even came away with magical powers, and were thus labeled the “Malfetto”. Today, they are still persecuted and looked upon with contempt by much of the population.

As one of the marked, Adelina’s status makes her undesirable for marriage, leading her cruel and unfeeling father to try and sell her off to become some nobleman’s mistress. After finding out about the plot, Adelina attempts to run away, only to wind up manifesting her powers, accidentally killing her father in a horrific accident. And so, we begin the book with our protagonist locked up in prison, awaiting her execution. Before she makes it up to the block, however, Adelina is snatched out of the Inquisitors’ grasp by a group of vigilantes known as the Young Elites, so called because their members are all like her – marked Malfettos who are empowered with special magical abilities.

It feels like we’ve seen this story many times before, and indeed, I kind of recall this one being your typical run-of-the-mill YA fantasy fare. But will its covers end up making more of a splash? We shall see by taking a look at the contenders…

From left to right:
G.P. Putnam’s Sons BYR (2014) – German Edition (2017) – Italian Edition (2016)
Indonesian Edition (2015) – French Edition (2015) – Serbian Edition (2015) – Czech Edition (2016)
Russian Edition (2016) – Chinese Edition (2016) – Thai Edition (2018)





Don’t get me wrong, I like pretty backgrounds and landscapes as much as the next person. But all things being aesthetically equal, you’ll likely find me drawn to a cover featuring an actual character. Of these, the Russian edition is probably the nicest, even if it’s a little cheesy. But given the fact I’m not entirely blown away with any of the choices this week, it’s the closest to being the winner, even though it’s hard to tell, but Adelina appears to have both her eyes in this image. (Also interesting to note, this is the second time I’ve given the top spot to a Russian cover featuring a girl in a purple dress.)

But what do you think? Which one is your favorite?

22 Comments on “Friday Face-Off: Stormy Sky”

  1. I’ve always liked that cover since I tend to be drawn to covers that have storm clouds like that. So the first one is probably my fave, although I also like the German one. The Russian and Italian ones work for me as well.


  2. Pingback: Friday Face Off : Raining Cats and Dogs | Books and travelling with Lynn

  3. I can see why the publisher probably didn’t want to ruin the beautiful girl by giving her only one eye😊 I think I like your choice too. I’m also not crazy about these covers. This was actually a tough week!


  4. I think I like the first one, G.P. Putnam’s Sons BYR (2014) best. This one has a lot of great covers but nothing stands out as being overly spectacular. I like the one you chose too!


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