Looking Ahead to the New Year: “Can’t Wait” Books of Early 2018

New Years

Happy 2018! As we get ready to begin another year, it’s time to look ahead and geek out over the Science Fiction and Fantasy reads I’m most excited about. Not only is it fun to organize my reading and to make lists, they also have the added benefit of focusing my attention to the highly anticipated releases that I’d like to check out. There’s already an impressive tower of books on my TBR pile, and these are only from the first quarter of 2018. While I’m under no illusions that I’ll be able to read them all, hopefully I can get to most of them (and also put some new books on people’s radars)!

What’s on your early 2018 reading list?





January 1 to January 7 – Black Star Renegades by Michael Moreci

January 8 to January 14 – The Lost Plot by Genevieve Cogman, Sinless by Sarah Tarkoff, The Infernal Battalion by Django Wexler

January 15 to January 21 – Blood and Sand by C.V. Wyk, Iron Gold by Pierce Brown, Senlin Ascends by Josiah Bancroft

January 22 to January 28 – Markswoman by Rati Mehrotra, The Sky is Yours by Chandler Klang Smith, The Raptor & The Wren by Chuck Wendig, The Defiant by Lesley Livingston

January 29 to January 31 – The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert





February 1 to February 10 – Semiosis by Sue Burke, Into the Fire by Elizabeth Moon, This Fallen Prey by Kelley Armstrong

February 11 to February 17 – Olympus Bound by Jordanna Max Brodsky, Honor Among Thieves by Rachel Caine & Ann Aguirre, Pride and Prometheus by John Kessel

February 18 to February 24 – A Time of Dread by John Gwynne

February 25 to February 28 – Zero Day by Ezekiel Boone, Blood of Assassins by R.J. Barker, Tess of the Road by Rachel Hartman





March 1 to March 10 – Lake Silence by Anne Bishop, The Hunger by Alma Katsu, Lady Henterman’s Wardrobe by Marshall Ryan Maresca, Daughters of the Storm by Kim Wilkins

March 11 to March 17 – Looking Glass by Andrew Mayne, Obsidio by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff, Impostor Syndrome by Mishell Baker

March 18 to March 24 – Torn by Rowenna Miller

March 25 to March 31 – Glimpse by Jonathan Maberry, The Queens of Innis Lear by Tessa Gratton





April 1 to April 7 – Space Opera by Catherynne M. Valente, The School for Psychics by K.C. Archer, Defy the Worlds by Claudia Gray, The Wolf by Leo Carew, Grey Sister by Mark Lawrence

April 8 to April 14 – Unbury Carol by Josh Malerman, From Unseen Fire by Cass Morris

April 15 to April 21 – Season of Storms by Andrzej Sapkowski, Before Mars by Emma Newman, Noir by Christopher Moore, Age of War by Michael J. Sullivan, Head On by John Scalzi,

April 22 to April 30 – The Defiant Heir by Melissa Caruso

43 Comments on “Looking Ahead to the New Year: “Can’t Wait” Books of Early 2018”

  1. EEK! That is way too organised for me! I’m finishing a few books I started last year and then I’ll just wander along by mood I think! I will be reading the first Ezekiel Boone book this year I hope…


  2. I just saw your post like this for the beginning of 2017 and realized I’m way behind! I’ve only recently added The Bear and the Nightingale to my TBR for 2018 and still haven’t even read Caraval! New year, new books! Happy Reading!


  3. How dare you, Mogsy. I resolved to buy fewer books this year just because my TBR pile mushroomed in 2017 (seriously, you have no idea how many 2017 books I didn’t get to read last year *lol*), and then you show me this list! XD

    In truth, I think there are only two books coming out between now and April that I’ve committed on: Rachel Hartman’s Tess of the Road (yay for seeing it here!), Tempests & Slaughter by Tamora Pierce, and the upcoming new novel by Leslye Walton. A few others caught my eye, like Markswoman, Blood and Sand, and Daughters of the Storm, but I’m going to wait until reviews come out before making any decisions about them.


    • Haha, my list of books I didn’t get to in 2017 is just as bad! And ooh, I completely forgot about the Tamora Pierce book. I have never read her, I confess…eek! Though I’m eyeing the audiobook of Tempests, and hopefully later this year I can snag a review copy!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. WOW! And that’s only the list for the first four months of the year!
    Even picking just a couple of titles for months, that makes it a staggering amount of potentially great reads – and that’s not taking into account all the other shinies listed there…
    Have a great 2018!


  5. Such a great list, it makes me giddy with anticipation! So many of these are on my TBR as well. I’m going to need to find more time to read this year 😁


  6. Great list. This Fallen Prey and Obsidio are pretty high on my list, and I’m really curious about The Sky Is Yours. That cover doesn’t hurt. 🙂 Before Mars and the Defiant too… this just reminds me how good 2018 looks for SF!


  7. So many goodies! I am a sucker for swords on the cover, so I love the look of ‘A time of dread’! I just recently got the author’s first book on audible and am looking forward to listening to it!


  8. Wow. If these are just the ones you’re *most* excited by, I hate to think how long the list is of things you’re just *very* excited by. Let alone the list of things you’re moderately intrigued by!


  9. Pingback: And in other news… | Books and travelling with Lynn

  10. Pingback: “Can’t Wait” Books of Mid-2018 | The BiblioSanctum

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