Book Review: Awakenings by Edward Lazellari

I received a review copy from the author. This does not affect the contents of my review and all opinions are my own.

Awakenings by Edward Lazellari

Mogsy’s Rating: 3.5 of 5 stars

Genre: Fantasy

Series: Book 1 of Guardians of Aandor

Publisher: Tor (August 30, 2011)

Length: 348 pages

Author Information: Website | Twitter

Do not let the blurb or the cover of Awakenings deceive you—its marketing actually belies a very interesting book, which turned out to be nothing like I expected. At first glance, you would be forgiven for dismissing this as yet another urban fantasy with undertones of noir and the supernatural. Dig a little deeper, however, and you’ll find that the world is not as it seems. When it came to categorizing this book, I ended up tagging it Urban and Epic fantasy, because ultimately it encompassed elements from both genres.

As the story unfolds, readers are introduced to a cast of characters which include Cal MacDonnell, a New York City cop. Thirteen years ago, he woke up in a field with no memory of where he came from or how he got there. His entire life now revolves around his wife Cat and their young daughter Bree. Next is Seth Raincrest, a jaded self-centered slacker who has few friends and no prospects for the future. Like Cal, Seth can’t remember anything before thirteen years ago, when he was found as a boy outside a burning house, his parents presumably dead inside. He spent the rest of his childhood in orphanages and foster care, and now struggles to make ends meet as an amateur pornographer. And finally, there’s thirteen-year-old Daniel who lives with his adoptive mother and abusive stepdad. Despite his troubles at home and at school, all Daniel wants is to be a good person and help his friends.

For Cal, what began as an average night on the job quickly turns deadly as he and his partner are called to the scene of a disturbance. In a derelict building, they are suddenly ambushed by otherworldly beings who seem to know about Cal’s past. Now his wife and daughter are in danger, and the night would have ended in disaster had it not been for the intervention of a mysterious red-headed woman named Lelani who claims to be a sorceress from another world. Promising to have all the answers to Cal and Seth’s questions about their past, she leads them on a quest to regain their memories because hanging in the balance is the life of a child they must find before their enemies can get to him first.

As you can see, the story which initially presents itself as an urban fantasy quickly transforms into something wholly different. I’ve seen the term “inverse portal fantasy” used to describe books like this, and it is quite appropriate in the case of Awakenings. Gradually, the mundane world becomes permeated by elements more commonly found in high fantasy settings, such as wizards, centaurs, other creatures like gnolls, and politics from a feudal medieval realm. The result is this strange mishmash of different concepts and tones, featuring the modern existing beside the antiquated, or science and technology comingling with magic.

But of course, this hodgepodge of ideas also causes a fair amount of confusion, especially in the early parts of the novel, with the vagueness of the situation further exacerbated by the characters’ amnesia because they are not aware of what’s going on themselves. Another hitch is the lengthy setup and the amount of time it takes to introduce all the characters and their backstories. Not surprisingly, a book like this requires lots of groundwork before all the various plot threads can even begin to come together. And finally, there’s the obvious drawback regarding reader expectations. If an urban fantasy fan were to pick up Awakenings, for example, there’s no telling how they would react to the sudden change in style and tone around midway through the novel, when the contemporary aspects start to give way to more epic fantasy elements.

The good news is, the writing is fantastic. Edward Lazellari does an incredible job juggling all the story’s moving parts, ratcheting up tensions when required in order to draw the reader deeper into this dark mystery. His prose is also smooth and very polished, and if I hadn’t known this was his first novel, I would have thought he’d been doing this for years. To be honest, I only really have one main complaint, and that was the ending. I found no closure in it at all, not even the slightest sense that any of the multitude of loose ends have been tied, making this entire novel feel like one long drawn-out prologue. I can’t deny the lack of answers frustrated me, and it’s just a shame that this is perhaps the book’s greatest weakness, because otherwise everything else about it was rock solid.

Still, on the whole I did enjoy reading Awakenings. Despite the open ending, I’m intrigued by the ideas Lazellari has presented here, and also curious about what he has in store for his characters. By the looks of things, the next book The Lost Prince will be bringing even more of the storylines together, and I’m definitely looking forward to checking it out.

18 Comments on “Book Review: Awakenings by Edward Lazellari”

  1. Awwww man, I was totally ready to jump on this until you mentioned lack of closure. I wish authors would go back to telling complete stories in one book even if they have to tell a larger story in a trilogy or series.

    Well, I guess I’ll be waiting to see how future book are then…


    • The third book of the trilogy, Blood of Ten Kings, is out in December 2018. The second book, The Lost Prince, is already available in hardcover or eBook. It has 4.5 Stars out of 5 on Amazon, and unlike the first book, has a definitive ending. I’ve asked my editor to put the paperback of book 2 out early next year (like April or May) to build the audience for Book 3. Tor won’t do it. They are releasing the paperback at the same time as the hardcover for book 3 under one combined publicity budget. You should totally jump on this book. 🙂


    • Yeah, I get that an author has to leave some things open for a planned trilogy or series, but at the very least, I do expect some closure – an ending to a “chapter” in greater story arc, so to speak. At least the main conflict of the book should be resolved.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. My first reaction is wow, this is an older book than you usually review! It’s definitely interesting when authors turn the tables on genres, and it sounds like this has mixed results.


  3. If there is already another book on the way, and a third one programmed for next year, it might be worth investing into this very peculiar world and in a little patience to see where the author will lead his reader: from your review, he sounds like an engaging storyteller, so I would be inclined to make a little leap of faith.
    Thanks for sharing! 🙂


  4. I actually like the sound of this – urban and epic, yeah, I could handle that. Shame about the no closure aspect but it’s not something we’re unfamiliar with and if book 2 is already available then…..
    Lynn 😀


  5. Pingback: Mogsy’s Bookshelf Roundup: Stacking the Shelves & Recent Reads | The BiblioSanctum

  6. See, you say ‘urban fantasy with undertones of noir and the supernatural’ like it’s a bad thing! For me, that sounds excellent, but the epic aspect turns me off a bit.


  7. Pingback: Book Review: The Lost Prince by Edward Lazellari | The BiblioSanctum

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