Waiting on Wednesday 08/23/17

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that lets us feature upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

Deadlands: Boneyard by Seanan McGuire (October 17, 2017 by Tor Books)

Oh, you know how much I love my tie-in novels. Even though I’ve had no experience with the Deadlands RPG personally, the prospect of a story based in a fantasy western world is something that I just can’t resist. As a bonus, this book is also penned by none other than Seanan Mcguire, who will undoubtedly do the Weird West horror setting justice. And the best part is, like the other books in the series, it’ll be a standalone.

“The newest book based on the hit Weird West RPG franchise Deadlands!

Step right up to see the oddities and marvels of The Blackstone Family Circus and Travelling Wonder Show! Gasp at pit wasps the size of a man’s forearm. Beware the pumpkin-headed corn stalker, lest it plant its roots in you!

Annie Pearl is the keeper of oddities, the mistress of monsters. Her unique collection of creatures is one of the circus’s star attractions, drawing wide-eyed crowds at every small frontier town they visit. But Annie is also a woman running from her past . . . and the mother of a mute young daughter, Adeline, whom she will do anything to protect.

Hoping to fill its coffers before winter sets in, the circus steers its wagons to The Clearing, a remote community deep in the Oregon wilderness, surrounded by an ominous dark wood. Word is that a traveling show can turn a tidy profit at The Clearing, but there are whispers, too, of unexplained disappearances that afflict one out of every four shows that pass through the town.

The Clearing has it secrets, and so does Annie. And it may take everything she has to save her daughter―and the circus―from both.”

17 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 08/23/17”

  1. That is a really great cover for a book…love these evil looking pumpkin covers! Sadly I’m not a fan of this author so I wouldn’t read it but I look forward to hearing your thoughts on it when you get it!


  2. I love this cover and like Tammy, I’d read anything McGuire puts out. I wonder if you have to read the previous books for this one to make sense. I think my husband has played this game at some point, but I don’t remember the details.


  3. WHAT???? (apologies for the yell…)
    I didn’t know anything about this new book (McGuire seems to have stopped posting on her usual blog, so that might be the reason why…) so thank you very, very, very much for the heads up! 🙂 I’ve set myself an alert even before checking the book’s synopsis, which is saying a lot… 😉


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