Waiting on Wednesday 08/02/17

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that lets us feature upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

Star Wars: Phasma by Delilah S. Dawson (September 1, 2017 by Del Rey)

For me, Star Wars fever is a chronic disease so you’ll always find me looking forward to the next canon novel release. I’m especially excited about this one though, for a couple of reasons. Captain Phasma is a fascinating character but little is known about her, and her appearances in the new official canon so far have been very brief and few. Even the book’s description is frustratingly vague, so this should be very interesting indeed. Second, I’m a fan of Delilah S. Dawson, and this is her first full-length Star Wars novel. After the great fun I had with her short story Star Wars: The Perfect Weapon, I’m looking forward to reading more of her work in this universe.

“Discover Captain Phasma’s mysterious history in this Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi novel.

One of the most cunning and merciless officers of the First Order, Captain Phasma commands the favor of her superiors, the respect of her peers, and the terror of her enemies. But for all her renown, Phasma remains as virtually unknown as the impassive expression on her gleaming chrome helmet. Now, an adversary is bent on unearthing her mysterious origins—and exposing a secret she guards as zealously and ruthlessly as she serves her masters.”




16 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 08/02/17”

  1. Yeah Phasma seems like someone they ahd big plans for but either haven’t had time to develop or just didn’t go with it, I don’t know. Hope this one is a good intro to her character!


  2. I admit I stopped caring about Star Wars when I watched the end of the second trilogy. Poor script and choice of actors ruined it for me. My dad has watched the two new films and loved them but I’m struggling to go and actually watch them! (I will eventually!)


  3. I haven’t read much of the new expanded universe novels, but I liked her character, and I am intrigued by what little we do know about her. For instance, her armor is supposed to be made from the wreckage of Queen Amidala’s ship? Is there another connection there? I might give this a read to see what backstory they’ve given her.


  4. I’m not that into the Star Wars cannon but I have a feeling if I started it would be hard to stop. I love the idea of a story based around a “mystery” character!


  5. When I heard that Gwendoline Christie (aka Brienne of Tarth) had a role in the new Star Wars movie, I was beyond curious to see her as a different character – then they closed her in armor and never even showed her face! Something of a waste in my opinion… 🙂


    • Agreed! I heard that Christie really wanted to be in the movie and they tweaked the Phasma character for her, as the role was originally intended to be played by a male actor. Her talent is definitely wasted behind the armor and mask though, but I’ve heard rumors she’ll have a bigger role in The Last Jedi!


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