Waiting on Wednesday 09/21/16

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that lets us feature upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

Dead Man’s Steel by Luke Scull (December 6, 2016 by Roc)

It feels as if I’ve been waiting for this one forever, but come December, book three of The Grim Company series will be hitting shelves in the US. I feel like I can finally officially get excited!

Dead Man's Steel“In the City of Towers, former rebel Sasha and her comrade Davarus Cole struggle to keep the peace between the warring mages who vie for dominion. But when the White Lady sends Davarus south to the Shattered Realms to seek allies among the fallen kingdoms, he finds that his hardest battle may be one fought within. The godly essence now residing within him offers power that could be used against the Fade—but with every death that feeds It, Cole risks losing a part of himself.
An association with a Fade officer grants the Halfmage Eremul a position of privilege among Dorminia’s new masters. He witnesses firsthand the fate that awaits humanity. But with his magic pitiful in the face of the Fade’s advanced technology, the Halfmage must rely on his wits alone to save whom he can…
And in the frozen north, the legendary warrior Brodar Kayne fights a desperate battle for his people. He is running out of time: an ancient evil sealed beneath the mountains is about to break free, an evil that is older than humanity, older than the Fade, older even than the gods—and it will not stop until the entire world is drowned in blood…”

17 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 09/21/16”

  1. No! Not another series I have to catch up with! Scull has been on my TBR list for a while now, so I guess I’d better get started.


  2. Pingback: Waiting on Wednesday | One Book Two

  3. Well, given that the third is due out I should really read the 2nd. I think my November and December will be a bit calmer so hopefully I should start to be on top of everything soon. I really enjoyed the first so definitely want to finish this.
    Lynn 😀


  4. Pingback: Waiting on Wednesday 10/5 | One Book Two

  5. Pingback: Waiting on Wednesday 10.19 | One Book Two

  6. Pingback: Waiting on Wednesday 11.2 | One Book Two

  7. Pingback: Draft: Waiting on Wednesday | One Book Two

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