Book Review: Sawbones by Melissa Lenhardt

A review copy was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

SawbonesSawbones by Melissa Lenhardt

Mogsy’s Rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

Genre: Historical Fiction

Series: Book 1 of Sawbones

Publisher: Redhook (March 29, 2016)

Length: 358 pages

Author Information: Website | Twitter

Sawbones was a book that caught my eye the moment I saw it, because HELLO! Western setting? An independent, determined woman doctor as its protagonist? Only problem was, its genre was straight-up historical fiction without even the ittiest bittiest hint of a speculative element, and I was already being crushed under the weight of review books that I’ve committed myself to on behalf of my Sci-fi & Fantasy book blog. Reluctantly, I decided to give Sawbones a pass at the time, and probably wouldn’t have thought about it again if it weren’t for a strong recommendation I received weeks later, from someone whose bookish opinions I highly respect. Now I’m on the other side of reading it to say how utterly thankful and glad I am to have given this one a try after all, because it was damn brilliant and I absolutely loved it!

The book’s blurb likens the story to “Outlander meets post-Civil War unrest” which is a comparison I find both very appropriate and also a little misleading. Like I said, Sawbones is completely devoid of any magic or sci-fi, time traveling or otherwise, but that said, I believe it would indeed appeal to fans of Diana Gabaldon’s series who might be looking for a similar blend of romance and adventure set in a very harsh time and place, whose brutal realities we are not spared from at all. It is especially hard for our protagonist Dr. Catherine Bennett, a New York woman practicing medicine in the 1870s in spite of those who regard her profession as scandalous and highly unseemly for someone of her sex.

That is why when Catherine is falsely accused of murder, she finds little support in her societal circles and is forced to go on the run with a $500 bounty on her head. And for anyone looking to start a new life or to disappear, the answer lies west. With her loyal maid Maureen in tow, Catherine escapes to Texas and joins the Warren wagon train under the new identity of Dr. Laura Elliston. Even though female doctors are rare enough to draw attention, Catherine—now Laura—loves her work too much to give it up, and hopes to start fresh with her own practice out in the uncharted territories of Colorado where no one will know her face.

But of course, things don’t go as planned. Those who already know what became of the Warren wagon train can probably guess, but if not, I’m not going to spoil the details of the plot’s early bombshell. I think up until this point, I was still expecting a whole different kind of book, but afterwards it finally hit me what I was really in for. Suffice to say, if you’re like me and picked this one up thinking it would be your typical lighthearted historical romance, you’re going to be in for a huge surprise. To tell the truth, the first 20% of the novel didn’t impress me overly much, but when things took a graphically violent, traumatic, and heart-wrenching turn for our protagonist, that was the moment I realized the kind of story author Melissa Lenhardt has set out to tell, and she’s not pulling any punches. This book had my full attention after that.

The first thing you should know about Sawbones is the merciless, no holds barred portrayal of life on the frontier. Lenhardt confesses to taking a few minor liberties with history in order to make the story work, but a lot of the people, places and events in this book were real. Much research and effort was clearly put in to bring the setting and historical era to life in all its harshness. Racism was rampant. Women had very little say about anything, even when it came to their own business. Settlers in this part of the country were frequently raided by native tribes and white bandits alike. People were raped, killed, mutilated, abducted and abused in the worst of ways. The injured often did not survive, succumbing to infection, bad weather, poor nutrition, or any number of factors that could doom you. This book does not gloss over any of those gory, gut-twisting details.

The second thing you should know is that the characters are amazing. Told from Laura’s point of view, readers are accorded a real treat going deep into the mind of an unconventional protagonist who has followed her heart and given up so much to keep pursuing a dream. Her personal growth as a character follows a riveting arc made even more complex by the subtler themes, which come full circle by the end of the book when Laura is forced to acknowledge that life is not so clear-cut in the isolated wilderness of the west. As a doctor, her principle tenet is to save lives and do no harm, but when push comes to shove, she is also capable of making the difficult choices. Even in her stubbornness, she is likeable and relatable, and I wanted to see her succeed.

There’s also a fantastic love story, featuring a forbidden romance that is at once passionate and convincing. From the moment Laura saves the life of Captain William Kindle, they set off an undeniable chemistry. I enjoyed their sweet interactions and the well-written dialogue between them, making it easy to get on board with their blossoming relationship. Kindle himself is a dedicated and honorable soldier, good to his men and kind to Laura, so I’m glad that the romantic interest in this novel ended up being someone worthy of our protagonist’s devotion and respect.

It was this mix of loveliness with the book’s vicious, ruthless side that made Sawbones so compelling. I must emphasize again that this one is not for the faint of heart, but if you have a strong stomach for some of the more unpleasant things I described in this review, you might find plenty to like in this splendid hidden gem of a historical novel. The story is pretty much self-contained, even if the ending felt just a tad abrupt, but I was ecstatic to find out that there will be a follow-up called Blood Oath coming out later this year. You can be sure I’ll be devouring it as soon as I can get my hands on it.


Mogsy 2

28 Comments on “Book Review: Sawbones by Melissa Lenhardt”

  1. This sounds excellent! I’ll have to check this out. I’ve been thinking about picking up some historical fiction, but didn’t know where to start.


  2. I am thoroughly fascinated by your description of this book: at this point I don’t care at all that it contains no fantastic elements, because I believe this kind of story does not need any… Great review, thanks for sharing! 🙂


  3. I’m not huge into Westerns but I’m extremely tempted to give this one a shot. The idea of a woman doctor in that time period really intrigues me. I also like that they author doesn’t pull punches.


  4. I haven’t looked – except for 4.5 stars!! I have to pick this up!!! I’m reading the Marc Turner book but perhaps I’ll have to have an interlude!!
    This does feel like something I would pelt through at full pace!
    Lynn 😀


  5. I swear that you should go and become a book summary writer – because your summary of the book is ALWAYS better than the official version, just reading them alone makes me wanna go out and buy it.
    I love the sound of the heroine and the premise of this particular book – but the slower beginning has me a bit nervous, I am super impatient these days. Sounds like the book gets quite graphic and dark though, which I do not object to at all. Not to mention, the romance sounds great!
    Thanks for reviewing it :D!


    • Thanks! Actually, summaries are always the hardest part of writing my reviews, because I don’t want to reveal spoilers but I also want to give enough so that I can look back on it in the future and remember the gist of the book’s story. I find sometimes the publisher descriptions are too vague or not “interesting” enough, so your comment made me super happy 🙂


    • It’s actually not as in-your-face as I thought it would be. I’m not a big fan of romance either, and I can’t do the sappy cliched story lines of more “conventional” romance novels, so I know what you mean. The love story in this is actually very light and not overwhelming at all, and I really enjoyed it. I hope that helps 🙂


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