Waiting on Wednesday 01/20/16

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that lets us feature upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick:

The Summer Dragon by Todd Lockwood: May 3, 2016 (DAW)

If you read fantasy, chances are you’ve come across the art of Todd Lockwood, whose paintings and illustrations have graced a number of book covers and interiors, like the Memoir by Lady Trent series by Marie Brennan. He’s famous for his beautiful dragons, and now he’s written his own novel about them (and yes, he painted his own cover too)! I’ve always admired the his talent for bringing these majestic creatures to life as an artist; now I’m excited to see what he can do with them in fiction with his debut coming out this spring.

The Summer DragonThe debut novel from the acclaimed illustrator—a high fantasy adventure featuring dragons and deadly politics.

Maia and her family raise dragons for the political war machine. As she comes of age, she anticipates a dragon of her own to add to the stable of breeding parents. Her peaceful life is shattered when the Summer Dragon—one of the rare and mythical High Dragons—makes an appearance in her quiet valley. Political factions vie for control of the implied message, threatening her aspirations, her aerie, her entire way of life.

The bond between dragons and their riders is deep and life-long, and Maia’s desire for a dragon of her own to train, ride, fly, and love drives her to take a risk that puts her life at stake. She is swept into an adventure that pits her against the deathless Horrors, thralls of the enemy, and a faceless creature drawn from her fear. In her fight to preserve everything she knows and loves, she exposes a conspiracy, unearths an ancient civilization, and challenges her understanding of her world—and of herself.”

 Tiara’s Pick

Paper Tigers by Damien Angelica Walters: February 29, 2016 (Dark House Press)

Two words: predatory ghost. *pulls up a chair* Tell me more, book.

Paper Tigers“In this haunting and hypnotizing novel, a young woman loses everything—half of her body, her fiancé, and possibly her unborn child—to a terrible apartment fire. While recovering from the trauma, she discovers a photo album inhabited by a predatory ghost who promises to make her whole again, all while slowly consuming her from the inside out.”

19 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 01/20/16”

  1. I love Todd Lockwood’s art, especially for Marie Brennan’s books! If his writing is anywhere near as good as his drawing this should be fantastic – no pun intended! This had passed me by so thanks for making me add another book to my wishlist 🙂


  2. Both great choices! First, I’m pretty excited to have a copy of Paper Tigers, I love Damien Walters, although her subject matter is hard to read. And wow, dragons!!! The Summer Dragon has that feeling of Anne McCaffrey, which makes me want to read it NOW.


  3. An artist turned author with a thing for dragons?! Uhm, where do I sign up?! Oh and Paper Tigers sounds chilling and also riveting! You ladies sure know how to pick ’em! Thanks for sharing 🙂 I’ll be adding these to my tbr shelf (as usual LOL)


  4. Dragons and ghosts ‘oh my’. Wants both.
    That Todd book looks excellent (no surprises because his work is amazing) and how cool, he can write and illustrate his own books. I will definitely look forward to reading his debut.
    And, ghost story.- yep, I was in after ‘predatory ghost’
    Excellent choices. Love em both.
    Lynn 😀


    • That must be something – to be able to claim credit for both a novel’s cover and what’s inside it. A great achievement for an artist/author 🙂


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