Waiting on Wednesday 12/16/15

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that lets us feature upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Picks:

I’m posting up two picks today because I was in the mood to feature a darker read, and I couldn’t decide! A dark urban paranormal fantasy featuring hellish demons, monsters from nightmare, as well as a Lovecraftian chaos god? Or a straight up horror thriller about a cursed mirror that feeds on human souls?

Either way, Tor looks like it has a great line-up for dark fantasy and horror in 2016. I don’t know about you, but I’ll be reading with the lights on…

Red Right Hand by Levi Black: July 26, 2016 (Tor Books)

Red Right Hand“Charlie Tristan Moore isn’t a hero. She’s a survivor. On a night when her demons from the past are triggered, she arrives home to something even more harrowing-an attack by three monstrous skinhounds, creatures straight out of nightmares. She fights but is outmatched. Just as hope seems lost, in sweeps The Man In Black, a rescuer even more monstrous and unlikely, dressed in a long, dark coat that seems to have a life of its own and with a black-bladed sword held in his terrible, red right hand.

Her rescue comes at a cost. She must become his new Acolyte and embrace a dark magick she never knew she had inside her. To ensure she gives it her all, he takes her friend and possible love, Daniel, in thrall as a hostage to her obedience. The Man in Black, a Lovecraftian chaos god, claims to be battling his brethren gods, other horrors who are staging an incipient apocalypse. But is he truly the lesser of all evils or merely killing off the competition? Either way, will Charlie be strong enough to save herself, Daniel, and possibly the entire world?”

Mirror Image by Michael Scott and Melanie Ruth Rose: August 23, 2106 (Tor Books)

Mirror Image“A mirror that feeds on human souls wreaks destruction on those around it in this new novel from internationally bestselling author Michael Scott and Melanie Ruth Rose.

In an auction house in London, there is a mirror no one will buy. Standing seven feet tall and reaching four feet across, its size makes it unusual. Its horrific powers make it extraordinary. For centuries, the mirror has fed off of the lives of humans, giving them agonizing deaths and sucking their souls into its hellish world.

When Jonathan Frazer, the wealthy owner of a furniture and antiques shop in Los Angeles, buys the mirror at an auction, he believes he is getting the bargain of a lifetime. With its age and size, it is easily worth eight times what he paid for it. At this point, the mirror has sat dormant for years. But within days of Jonathan’s purchase, the deaths begin again. One employee is crushed when the mirror falls on top of him. A few days later, the corpse of another is found in front of the mirror, brutally stabbed. A third is burned beyond all recognition. All the while, an enormous man with a scarred face is following Jonathan, demanding that he give him the mirror and killing any police officer that gets in his way.

The police are becoming desperate. As the death toll rises, Jonathan himself becomes a suspect. He knows there is something wrong with the mirror. He knows it’s dangerous. But he cannot bring himself to get rid of it. Everyday he becomes more captivated by the mirror.

For the mirror is awakening, and its powers are resurfacing.”

13 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 12/16/15”

  1. New Tor catalog??? I actually had Mirror Image added on GR already so maybe it just had a cover reveal. Man does it sound creepy! There was a really scary episode of Supernatural where a demon comes out of a mirror that scared the pants off me. Not a lot scares me, but creepy mirrors do every time:-D


  2. Oh dear…Mirror Image sounds creeeepy. Ever since childhood stints playing Bloody Mary in a dark bathroom, I’ve thought mirrors are creepy in a dark room at night! Sounds like this one would keep me up.


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