Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten 2016 Debut Novels We Are Looking Forward To

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. They created the meme because they love lists. Who doesn’t love lists? They wanted to share these list with fellow book lovers and ask that we share in return to connect with our fellow book lovers. To learn more about participating in the challenge, stop by their page dedicated to it and dive in!

This week’s topic: Top Ten 2016 Debuts Novels We Are Looking Forward To

Mogsy’s Picks:

I’ll admit, this was a pretty tough one — I have a ton of books I’m looking forward to in 2016, but the trick was finding out whether it was an author’s debut or not. I did my best to research each book to make sure but it was pretty touch and go, so apologies if I am in error for any of these. Regardless, these are all books I’m very excited about, so without further ado let’s get on to them!

Rebel of the SandsRebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton 

I’m usually very wary about YA titles that get lots of hype before release, but I have a pretty good feeling about Rebel of the Sands. For one thing, this book is already out in Italy months in advance of the US release and I hear it’s been getting some rave reviews, so I’m going to trust the Italians on this. In all seriousness, the book also sounds fascinating, with a story that takes place in a desert kingdom with a Middle Eastern vibe, and the description also teases a bit of that gunpowder/flintlock flavor.

The Last Day of MagicThe Last Days of Magic by Mark Tompkins

I am so intrigued by this book! Mark Tompkins has written a lot of short stories, but as far as I know, The Last Days of Magic will be his first novel. Druids and faeries? Kings and goddesses? Wow, this story sounds like a great mix of historical fiction meets magic, which is how I like it. And I also like the hints that this story will bring together the past and present.

SnakewoodSnakewood by Adrian Selby

I can always use more dark, grim fantasy in my life and I’m so glad there’s a debut in 2016 that will fit the bill. In Snakewood, a band of mercenaries are on the run from a killer hunting them, and they will use everything at their disposal to escape, including poisons and alchemical potions (that they call “Fightbrews”) to enhance their physical and mental abilities.

Revenge and the WildRevenge and the Wild by Michelle Modesto

When I saw this book up at Edelweiss, I had no idea that it was a debut; all I knew was that I just had to request it! You know how much I love fantasy-western settings. I’m all about the lawless places, wagon trails, smoky saloons, gold rushes and quick-draw gunslingers. Throw in dark magic and a revenge story, and I just cannot resist.

The ReaderThe Reader by Traci Chee

I don’t know what it is, but 2016 also appears to be bursting with fantastic looking YA titles. And as you can see from this list, a bunch of those that caught my eye are debuts, which is great. I love to read books that are about books and reading–even when the story is set in a world where both are forbidden. Can you imagine a world where everyone is illiterate because they are forced to be, and people can’t even recognize a book when they see one? The description also mentions swashbuckling pirates and assassins, which just makes me want to read this even more.

ArenaArena by Holly Jennings

I’m very predictable. If you have a book related to video games or virtual reality gaming, you can pretty much guarantee I’ll want to check it out. Competitive gaming is some intense stuff too, so I hope this story will capture some of that atmosphere. I also recall reading somewhere that the author is an avid player of World of Warcraft and Call of Duty, which is awesome! I love reading books about gaming from authors who game, especially when they love the same games I do.

Steal the SkySteal the Sky by Megan E. O’Keefe

I am so curious about this, and can you blame me? First of all, the cover is gorgeous, evoking such a great vibe and ambiance. And there are airships! And conmen! And helloooo heist! Have you heard? Heist stories are my guilty pleasure! Come to think of it, it’s a little amazing how many debuts will be featuring one or more of my favorite subjects/themes next year.

Sleeping GiantsSleeping Giants by Sylvain  Neuvel

I got this one from NetGalley earlier this year, since it was on my watch list. From its description, it appears that the book is written in an epistolary format, which would explain the blurb comparing the style to World War Z. It sounds like a delightful mystery, uncovering the secrets of a giant hand found deep in the earth. I’m really looking forward to this one.

The ImmortalsThe Immortals by Jordanna Max Brodsky

Mythology meets modern times. The blurb had this to say about this book: “Much like Lev Grossman’s The Magicians spoke to a generation of adults who grew up with Harry Potter, The Immortals will enchant anyone who loved American Gods or Percy Jackson.” That’s some praise right there. I am excited about diving into my ARC of this, and I hope it’ll be as good as it sounds!

The BindingThe Binding by Nicholas Wolff

And how can I end things without mentioning at least one Horror novel? A rare mental disorder spreads through a small town, and the protagonist’s daughter is diagnosed with Cotard Delusion, sometimes referred to as “walking corpse syndrome”, a condition that makes the patient think they’re dead. Sounds like it could be a supernatural twist on zombies, but something also tells me there’s more to it, and I can’t wait to find out.

31 Comments on “Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten 2016 Debut Novels We Are Looking Forward To”

  1. GAH! Between you and Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy, I think I’ve added six or seven books to my Goodreads shelf. XD Rebel of the Sands was already on my radar, and now (from your list) I’ll have to keep my eyes peeled for The Immortals, The Reader, and Steal The Sky.

    I’m also looking forward to a lot of 2016 books… but the only debut I can think of is The Crown’s Game by Evelyn Skye. It sounds like the Grisha Trilogy meets The Night Circus with a sprinkle of The Hunger Games (sort of?).


  2. I have to admit, I struggled to find adult debuts for some reason. But I forgot all about The Last Days of Magic. But man, YA debuts seem to be EVERYWHERE!! Am I right?? I’m adding The Binding for sure:-)


    • Glad you liked the Call to Adventure quiz, I thought it was pretty cool too! And speaking of Call to Adventure, keep your eyes peeled for a special announcement and giveaway tomorrow 😉


  3. Rebel of Sands looks gorgeous – it makes me want to sink into the golden curlicues of sand on the cover 🙂 You’ve found some interesting sounding books! What’s up with that hand in the middle of the earth? Creeppppy!


  4. Hoo boy! Lots of great looking books on here. Revenge in the Wild is certainly going on my TBR as I am also silly obsessed with weird westerns. Since I love American Gods, I think the Immortals will have to go on the list as well. I’ve also already got Steal the Sky in my queue hopefully for December – didn’t realize it was a debut! A few of the others look pretty worthwhile as well but I’m not sure my TBR can take more – I’ll just have to lurk and keep an eye on any of those that get great reviews.


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