Mogsy’s Bookshelf Roundup: Stacking the Shelves, Announcements, and Recent Reads

Bookshelf Roundup is a feature I do every other weekend similar to Stacking the Shelves where I talk about the new books I’ve added to my library or received for review, as well as what I plan to read soon. I also summarize what I’ve finished reading and/or reviewed since the last update, and sometimes I even throw in fun stuff like reading challenge updates, book lists, and other random bookish thoughts or announcements.

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It’s September! Where has the summer gone? Traditionally I’ve always used the last few months of the year to catch up on my reading from both my own personal TBR as well as the unsolicited arrivals that have come my way, so for the rest of 2015 you may see me take on less review books. The last couple of weeks saw some exciting titles come my way though,  including a couple summer books mixed in with some highly anticipated fall releases. My thanks to all the wonderful publishers and authors!

Bound ARCs and Finished Copies:

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Mystic by Jason Denzel – Print ARC, with thanks to Tor. While this book has been on my radar for a while, I admit didn’t know too much about it. The more I’m learning about it though, the more excited I am! Rest assured, we’ll be seeing a lot more about this book in the coming months, so keep an eye out for my review closer to the release date and who knows, perhaps even a giveaway! /tease

A Cold Silence by Alison Littlewood – Paperback, with thanks to Jo Fletcher Books. It always makes me so happy to see something from JFB because they always send me the coolest books (and it’s fun getting mail from London). I’m also glad to be adding some horror to my reading list.

Beyond Redemption by Michael R. Fletcher – Paperback, with thanks to Harper Voyager. I have no idea why this one slipped by me this summer, but everything about it sounds like it’s right up my alley. A couple weeks ago, the publisher very kindly sent me a copy, so I’m definitely going to be reading this one post-haste.

Nebula Awards Showcase 2015 edited by Greg Bear – Print ARC, with thanks to Pyr. A collection of stories by some of the biggest names in SFF. Every year, the publisher puts out one of these wonderful anthologies.

Dragon Coast by Greg Van Eekhout – Hardcover, with thanks to Tor. A finished copy of this third book of the Daniel Blackland series landed on my doorstep last week. Something tells me it’s going to be as good as the first two books, if not even better.

Lady of Magick by Sylvia Izzo Hunter – Paperback with thanks to Ace. I’m looking forward to read this sequel to The Midnight Queen, especially after my recent participation in a Twitter Q&A with the author where I got to learn more about her and her books.

The Terrans by Jean Johnson – Print ARC, with thanks to Ace. I was actually expecting this one to show up earlier in the summer, but it didn’t arrive until last week. Better late than never, I say! And just in time too, because I’ve started drawing up my reading list for Sci-fi November. Brace yourself, The Terrans, because you’re going in.

Digital and Audio:

 The Shards of Heaven The Machinery Planetfall

Soundless Queen of Shadows

The Shards of Heaven by Michael Livingston – eARC with thanks to Tor. A couple of NetGalley invites also found their way to my inbox these last two weeks. I’m super excited about this historical fantasy about Ancient Rome following Caesar’s assassination. The best part? This book also features one of my favorite historical figures ever: Selene, daughter of Cleopatra and Marc Antony. I’ll be part of this book’s tour in November, so stay tuned for more to come.

The Machinery by Gerrard Cowan – eARC with thanks to Harper Voyager UK. Much thanks also to the author who contacted me and sent me an invite widget to read his book! Looking forward to checking this out.

Planetfall by Emma Newman – eARC with thanks to Roc via NetGalley. In case you missed it, this was actually my pick this week for Waiting on Wednesday. I’m excited for it, and like I said, I’m already putting together a reading list for Sci-Fi November and this one is all lined up. Naturally!

Soundless by Richelle Mead – eARC with thanks to Razorbill via First to Read. Rounding up the digital pile are a couple of highly anticipated YA titles on my wishlist. I was really hoping that Soundless was going to show up on FtR one of these days…and then it did! Quite thrilled to snag a review copy.

Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas – Audiobook with thanks to Audible Studios. The next YA title is this fourth book of the Throne of Glass series. Sure, the series has its ups and downs, but the third book definitely ended on a high note. It’s got me looking forward to what’s coming next.


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Star Wars: Aftermath by Chuck Wendig – Force Friday was September 4th and to be honest, the only offering I was interested in that day was this book! I’m a huge Star Wars fan, but as much as I love all the toys and gadgets, nothing can ever beat books.

Hunter by Mercedes Lackey and Ungodly by Kendare Blake – I won these two ARCs by linking up at the On Starships and Dragonwings book blog. Thanks, Anya! Be sure to check out her website and her brilliant weekly Sci-fi and Fantasy Friday feature to link up. It’s a great way to share your reviews and discover new ones.


I also have some very exciting news to talk about today! For you see, a dragon is waking…

Speculative Herald

The end of this month will see the launch of The Speculative Herald, a new Science Fiction & Fantasy website with a focus on news and early reviews of the genre’s latest titles. I’ve been asked by site manager Lisa of Tenacious Reader to be a contributor, cross-posting some of the reviews I post here on The BiblioSanctum, along with other bloggers including Tammy of Books Bones & BuffyLynn of Lynn’s Book Blog, Bob of Beauty in Ruins and Nathan of Fantasy Review Barn. Looks like I’m in good company! So definitely keep an eye our for our big debut, and of course in the meantime you can follow us on Twitter or subscribe to the blog.


I was very productive these last two weeks. Go me! And no, in case you’re wondering, I still haven’t been sleeping very well. Keep an eye out for reviews of these books in the coming weeks, if they’re not up already.

Abomination The Trials Earth Flight Dragon Heart

sorcerer_front mech.indd The Dead House The Good The Bad and the Smug Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000037_00021]

Battlemage Never Never


Here are the reviews I’ve written and posted since the last update, gathered together and listed here for your convenience and viewing pleasure.

Twelve Kings in Sharakhai by Bradley P. Beaulieu (4.5 of 5 stars)
Earth Flight by Janet Edwards (4.5 of 5 stars)
Sorcerer to the Crown by Zen Cho (4 of 5 stars)
Abomination by Gary Whitta (4 of 5 stars)
The Undying Legion by Clay Griffith & Susan Griffith (4 of 5 stars)
Star Wars: Lords of the Sith by Paul S. Kemp (4 of 5 stars)
Pacific Fire by Greg Van Eekhout (4 of 5 stars)
The Trials by Linda Nagata (3.5 of 5 stars)
Updraft by Fran Wilde (3.5 of 5 stars)
The Witch Hunter by Virginia Boecker (3.5 of 5 stars)
A Darker Shade of Magic by V. E. Schwab (3.5 of 5 stars)
Dragon Heart by Cecelia Holland (2.5 of 5 stars)
Persona by Genevieve Valentine (2 of 5 stars)

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Have you heard of or read any of the books featured this week? What caught your eye? Any new discoveries? Let me know if you plan to read any of these! Nothing makes me happier than sharing my love for books and I hope you found something interesting for a future read. Until next time, see you next Roundup! 🙂


31 Comments on “Mogsy’s Bookshelf Roundup: Stacking the Shelves, Announcements, and Recent Reads”

  1. Oh, looking forward to The Speculative Herald! That’s an impressive line-up of reviewers. 🙂
    I am reading Beyond Redemption right now and I am understanding/embracing the hype around it. Can’t wait to read your thoughts on it.


    • I am so excited to hear you say that! Every time I hear that hype is deserved, it makes me so happy, especially for this book. I’ll be starting it soon 🙂


  2. Congratulations for the news about The Speculative Herald!
    I’ve already subscribed and know that with these great contributors it will be a sure success 🙂

    Back to your *impressive* book list, “Beyond Redemption” sounds quite fascinating, so I look forward to your review. And I’m reading “The Machinery” right now: this is one very fascinating book.


    • We’re pretty pumped about The Speculative Herald too, thanks for subscribing 😀 And the Machinery is “fascinating”? That sounds super promising, yay!


  3. Remember when I hated Throne of Glass? Heir of Fire and Queen of Shadows totally cured it and I am now a RABID fangirl. I hope you enjoy QoS ❤

    I need to check out Lady of Magick as well, saw it on Danya's blog and the series sounds fantastic. AND OMG YOU HAVE SOUNDLESS *rolls on the floor in envy* It's my first and foremost anticipated read for Nov/Dec cos CHINA.


    • I am right there with you. I actually enjoyed Throne of Glass, but Crown of Midnight was kind of meeeehhhhh. But Heir of Fire cured me of it too. It’s my favorite book of the series so far, but let’s see if Queen of Shadows can beat that. I just started it, so keeping my fingers crossed 🙂

      And yes, I decided to give Lady of Magick a shot because of Danya’s review as well. I’ve read the first book but was waffling between continuing and not continuing. In the end, knowing that it takes place two years after and that the characters had some time to mature, that sold it 🙂


  4. Mystic just popped onto my radar this week thanks to Lisa’s WoW posting at Tenacious Reader. And I don’t remember how I heard about Soundless, but that’s on my wishlist, too. Looking forward to reading your thoughts on both!

    Queen of Shadows… I am SO behind on the Throne of Glass series. I have the first book, but I keep putting off reading it because of things I’ve read in reviews that I might not like so much. :S


    • I don’t remember when I heard about Soundless either, but I definitely saw it on some WoW posts some time in the last couple months. Richelle Mead’s been on my list for a while!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. OOh nice! I’m looking forward to The Dead House! And I really enjoyed Soundless! I’m also behind with Kendare’s trilogy, still need to read Mortal Gods! Hope you enjoy all the new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂


  6. See, there’s another Tor book I’m unfamiliar with, LOL! (Mystic) I see a few of these that I’ll be reading too. I’m glad you mentioned Sci-Fi November, I need to start making a plan for that as well.


    • Nice, very excited to be part of Sci-fi November again this year, I loved your reviews and sci-fi WoWs last year, I think I’ll do that again this year too 🙂


    • I have several Alison Littlewood books that I need to get to, actually. I found out this one is actually a sequel! I need to see if I can read it as a stand alone or hunt down the first book.


  7. Speculative Herald!! Wow. That is some big news! I’m glad I scrolled down all the way to the bottom today or I would have missed that. I visit two of those bloggers every day anyways and I’m sure I’ll be pleased to get to know the others. Looking forward to the launch! I’m not a very talky patron but I do love the BiblioSanctum and all the work you put into it. Love your book reviews.


    • That’s fantastic! I hope you check out TSH when it goes live, I think you’ll love all the bloggers. And thank you for dropping by and commenting, plus for your kind words. I love chatting with fellow book lovers 🙂


    • Yep, just finished it a couple days ago. It does have three main POVs and some smaller ones thrown in besides. Quite enjoyable, even if it’s a very traditional fantasy. My review should be up tomorrow 🙂


  8. I’m in the middle of Earth Star right now, and am motivated to finish the series! And Soundless was a lovely read, I hope you enjoy it too. I also need to read Hunter, it is one of the books I have been avoiding because I’m going through a serious addiction to physical books at the moment.


  9. I hope you enjoy Lady of Magick! Sorcerer to the Crown is next up on my pile and I’m very excited about it because a) everyone seems to like it and b) I’m on a big historical SFF kick these days. The Speculative Herald sounds like it’s going to be such a cool project, can’t wait to see what you all come up with! 🙂


  10. Yey, glad the books arrived safe and thanks so much ❤

    I just started the Nebula Showcase and oh my god the first short already broke my heart! I bought a copy of Lady of Magick this week because I couldn't resist the pretty though I have no idea when I'm going to fit it in, but at least I'm one step closer ;-).


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