Teaser Tuesday & Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Fairytale Retellings I’ve Read/Want To Read


Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

Emergence1%: "A helicopter is no place for a hangover. Hooper closed his eyes and breathed carefully as the engine spooled up."

John Birmingham, Dave vs. the Monsters: Emergence

toptentues Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. They created the meme because they love lists. Who doesn’t love lists? They wanted to share these list with fellow book lovers and ask that we share in return to connect with our fellow book lovers. To learn more about participating in the challenge, stop by their page dedicated to it and dive in!

This week’s topic: Ten Fairytale Retellings I’ve Read/Want To Read

I’ve read an obscene amount of Peter Pan retellings, but I tried not to have a list with all Peter Pan. Also, I’m cheating on some of these and quoting my own reviews. This didn’t say these had to be my favorites, so you’re getting an interesting assortment aside from too many Peter Pan retellings.

The Child Thief cThe Child Thief by Brom

A very dark retelling of Peter Pan by the artist Brom that also plays around with Avalon from Arthurian legend. What I really enjoyed about this book is that Brom did more with this story than a simple good and evil battle with Peter Pan versus Captain Hook. The lines are very blurred here. Also, Brom includes BEAUTIFUL illustrations of his characters in the book.

The Child Thief

Alice in the Country of Hearts v1Heart no Kuni no Alice (Alice in the County of Hearts) by QuinRose

This is a manga based on Alice in Wonderland about a girl named Alice Liddell who envies her sister after her lover leaves her for, wait for it, her sister. She falls asleep and wakes in a country (that seems to be the product of her own psyche) where all the men adore her and even some of the ladies find her “charming” and learns that maybe it’s really not that great to be adored by a bunch of guys. What makes this a little different is that, despite this being a manga aimed at females, it’s very violent, which isn’t typically done a whole lot in manga for females. Also, we need to talk about Boris Airay (Cheshire Cat) and Blood Dupre (The Mad Hatter).

Boris Airay


Blood Dupre

Tiger LilyTiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson

Another Peter Pan magical realism/fantasy retelling told from the POV of Tinkerbell about Tiger Lily’s life on Neverland including a very turbulent romance with Peter Pan. One of the few YA books with romance that I actually really, really liked. It showed how confusing and unsure a person who’s not used to showing or accepting emotions might be in a relationship with someone who is very emotional though a million things beat through their heart. The ending of that book is my everything. It just seemed to sum up how first loves can be sometimes and how, despite not being with a person anymore, doesn’t mean they didn’t make a huge impact in your life and that you don’t think about them anymore. I might’ve cried a lot a little through the ending.

Fables v1Fables by Bill Willingham

The inhabitants of fairytale land have been driven from their homes by a powerful force named Adversary. For centuries, these inhabitants have lived in New York City where they lead double lives. To the outside world, to mundanes (a word used for ordinary citizens in the same vein as the X-Men’s term “flatscan”), they appear to be regular human beings. However, beneath the facade, they follow their own rules as handed down by the “permanent” mayor, Old King Cole, and his second-in-command, Snow White, who is often left to handle messes. King Cole is quite the merry old soul and prone to empathy while seemingly not having the stomach to handle the true pressures of being a leader. He leaves difficult decisions to Snow’s discretion. Also, we need to talk about Pinocchio, as well.


TigerheartTigerheart by Peter David

This is a ANOTHER retelling of Peter Pan, called The Boy in this story. Actually, this is the story of Paul Dear, a young boy who desperately wants to go to Anyplace (Neverland) to find something to help his mother who is miserable after the death of his one week old sister. However, his story is strongly tied to The Boy and Anyplace since he needs both to achieve his goals, and in some part of himself, Paul believes that he may actually be The Boy or some manifestation of him.

Warm BodiesWarm Bodies by Issac Marion

How many people knew this was a Romeo and Juliet retelling without all that grossness that is Romeo? (Yeah, I’m not a fan of Romeo if you haven’t figured this out by now) I dislike zombies as a general rule. We’ve discussed that.  However, I do like spins on zombie stories, and I enjoyed the spin on this one very much. I still haven’t watched the movie yet, though. Also, I refuse to use the movie book cover.

SSSSense and Sensibilities and Sea Monsters by Ben H. Winters

Jane Austen with a supernatural twist. I kind of regret reading this and most of these books (Pride & Prejudice & Zombies, Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter, etc), but it sounded like a good idea at the time. I don’t hate them, but meh… there were tentacles on the cover…

Letters to Zell 2Letters to Zell by Camille Griep

This story starts when Zell (Rapunzel) unexpectedly leaves her friends to move to the “boonies” (Oz) to run a unicorn farm with her husband Jason and her twins. Zell’s circle of friends consist of the prim and proper Rory (Briar Rose/Sleeping Beauty), the foul-mouthed and cynical Bianca (Snow White) and the levelheaded CeCi (Cinderella). The inhabitants of fairy tale land know that they’re supposed to live out their pages to their happily ever after. On top of that, they are aware of the “outside” world, which is where normal humans live, humans who supposedly give power to their pages through their belief, which supposedly makes it even more important that they act a certain way. Zell, Rory, and CeCi have all achieved their happily ever after, even though it seems they still long for something more. Bianca is still getting to her happily ever after and is slated to be married to a kindly prince she doesn’t love. With Zell’s sudden departure, her friends find themselves in a sudden flux as they begin to rebel against their stories and start to find themselves. This book is told through a series of letters from each woman to Zell as they go from the pain of dealing with her departure to creating a happily ever after on their own terms.

The Claiming of Sleeping BeautyThe Claiming of Sleeping Beauty by A.N. Roquelaure

Erotic 50 Shades of Grey before there was 50 Shade of Grey retelling of Sleeping Beauty by Anne Rice writing under one of her pen names. Beauty isn’t brought back with a kiss, but um… penis that she couldn’t consent to because she was in a coma or whatev if I remember right. If that’s not right, tell me. I haven’t read these books in well over a DECADE. Despite reading these ages ago and never picking them up again, they are still on my bookshelf. I can’t get rid of them because my husband bought them for me when I was going through my dirty book phase while we were dating, not that THAT ever ended. Besides, I don’t remember them being that… *flashes back to scenes of horsetails being added to naked people via interesting manners crawling around on their knees* Let’s just move on.

CinderCinder by Marissa Meyer

Retelling of Cinderella with STEAMPUNK and another YA I didn’t hate. I should really get on with reading the rest of this series. In fact, I should probably re-read this one and then continue the series since it’s been a while.

Honorable Mention

Goes to my favorite gaming duology, which is why it’s just a mention, American McGee’s Alice, which features an Alice whose parents died in a fire and her sanity broke sending her to Wonderland. Even though Alice seems to have mostly beaten her demons by the second game, she finds herself back in Wonderland once again.

Alice 2



21 Comments on “Teaser Tuesday & Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Fairytale Retellings I’ve Read/Want To Read”

  1. OOh nice! I remember hearing about The Child Thief but never read it! Definitely looked like a dark and scary read! LOL! I love the Lunar Chronicles as well! Seeing it everywhere today! Yay Tiger Lily! Seeing that a lot today too, I adored that one!! It was sooo good!

    I enjoyed Warm Bodies as well, but never really connected it as a Romeo and Juliet story. Though that makes sense now based on their names! LOL!

    Here’s my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂


    • I loved Tiger Lily more than I can express. And The Child Thief is definitely dark and not for those who are easily triggered, especially where things like child abuse are concerned. But certainly an interesting tale.


    • Close enough to count to me. It is a fun series though. You can tell Bill Willingham had a great time with it. The Child Thief is one of my favorite books and probably the darkest Peter Pan book I’ve read to date. It’s not fair he gets to be a great writer and a great artist. LOL.


    • Pinocchio is mad, but can you blame him? The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty… The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty… That’s all I can say. LOL.


    • I really enjoyed Tiger Lily. I thought it was an excellent story. I didn’t really expect to get what I got, actually.


    • There are so many Peter Pan retellings it could cross someone’s eyes up to know so many existed, and I’ve read a huge chunk of them for whatever reason. Letters to Zell was a fun book. If you need a chuckle, definitely check it out. The Child Thief on the other hand is very dark, but an excellent book.


  2. OMG Anne Rice’s Sleeping Beauty trilogy. Some time in the 90s when I was in my Anne Rice phase I bought every book by her I could get my hands on but didn’t realize the nature of these books before I read them. I’ve been trying to scrub my memory of these books ever since, but I still seem to recall tons of spanking.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh yeah, there was lots of spanking and having sex on top of things like jeweled blankets. I just…

      Some things you can never forget, and this could be one of them. As terrible as it sounds, maybe that’s a good thing for me so I’ll remember never to read that again.


  3. The ending to Tiger Lily is just heartbreaking and brilliant. I need to get back into manga so that Cheshire grin has convinced me to check out this version of Alice. I’m still curious about The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty – whether I back away slowly from some passages remains to be seen in the future.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree. I loved the ending so much. I was like, “What is this stuff coming from my eyes?” I wouldn’t even write my review until I stopped tearing up about it. That version of Alice is interesting. I could be kind of “meh” about some of it, but I liked what it did with the characters mostly. I really liked the Cheshire Cat obviously. LOL.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Do you like the original Peter Pan, too? I never liked it much so I’ve been avoiding the retellings as well but some of these sound really interesting and I’ve been seeing Tiger Lily on a lot of lists this week.

    And yeah, I read the first chapter of the Anne Rice series without knowing what to expect (I’d read it was a sexy historical romance or something?) and quit right there, what a horrible beginning. I also encountered a Kathleen Woodiwiss book that begins with rape and it’s a super popular historical romance so I really have no idea if this was acceptable in the 80s or whenever these were published (I think the heroine falls in love with her rapist eventually? WTF). Gah.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Actually, no, I wouldn’t say I’m a huge fan of Peter Pan, to be honest. I mean, I don’t hate it, but I’m not super fangirly over Peter Pan. I think the appeal just comes from taking this story and adding these different layers of depth to it like The Child Thief being very dark and gritty and showing that motivations on both sides can be less than pure and how intent can be misinterpreted, and Tiger Lily trying to explain why people stop aging in Neverland and how emotions vs. non-emotion in a relationship can really make things complicated. I guess I’m more interested in people playing around with the concept of the story than the story itself.

      I read the first two books in that Beauty trilogy. Don’t ask me why I did such a thing because I was just more and more angry with it by the time I was done reading it. I still don’t know what to make of that.


  5. Pingback: Teaser Tuesday & Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Authors I’ve Read The Most Books From | The BiblioSanctum

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