Teaser Tuesday & Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I’d Love To See As Movies/TV Shows


Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

The Element of FirePage 208: "This is the fayre ointment my mother gave me. It will let you see through the glamour. Not all the time, because fay can use glamour to fool each other, but if they don't know you're there, or that you can see them, they won't know to hide from you."

Martha Wells, The Element of Fire



Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. They created the meme because they love lists. Who doesn’t love lists? They wanted to share these list with fellow book lovers and ask that we share in return to connect with our fellow book lovers. To learn more about participating in the challenge, stop by their page dedicated to it and dive in!

This week’s topic: Top Ten Books I’d Love To See As Movies/TV Shows

I’m not a huge fan of books becoming series or shows for various reasons, but I tried very hard to pick books/comics that seem like they would make great shows/movies if done correctly.  Not all of these are speculative fiction, but I tried to keep it mostly in that vein. Some books I would’ve picked have already had a screen debut or will soon be coming to television/movies.

The Girl on the TrainThe Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

This is one of those unreliable narrator type books told from the POV of three women. I call them the alcoholic, the liar, and the cheater, even though they all encompass those traits. As I stated in my review, this had made for movie written all over it.  This story revolves around a disappearance and the tangled, troubled lives its three narrators live while the mystery unravels

Chew v1Chew by John Layman

Chew is an interesting comic about a future where, after a severe case of avian flu decimated a good portion of the world’s population, chicken is illegal and can only be found on the black market. In this world, there also exist people who have various food related powers. The main character is a cibopath, someone who gets psychic impressions from what they eat. He works for the FDA which has become the biggest government organization post flu. His girlfriend is a saboscrivner. She can write about food so accurately that people can taste it. At one point this had been picked up for a series, but that was years ago. Haven’t heard anything since.

sgThe Unbeatable Squirrel Girl by Marvel Comics

If they followed the current format they’re using with this book, I could definitely see this being an animated series. I think it would be cute, upbeat,  fun, and an overall joy to watch. Squirrel Girl deserves some screen love!

bd259-annaAnna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake

I don’t know why, but I could see this being a teen slasher movie. As much as I love this duology, I’m pretty sure if it was translated to the big screen it’d be a slasher for the most part. It probably wouldn’t be very good, but it’d probably become one of those cult classics that just so bad that you have to love it.

Hitman v1Hitman by Garth Ennis

This would make for a great action packed series of movies. Tommy Monaghan is an ex-military operative turned superpowered (thanks to a demon) who operates in Batman’s city. He’s one of the few vigilantes Batman allows, even though they’ve butted heads more than a few times. Tommy is a hired gun, but he has a decidedly good moral compass, though he does operate in a few gray areas from time to time.

Cold Blue BloodThe Berger and Mitry series by David Handler

One of my favorite mystery/romance series about a highly odd couple. Des Mitry is an African-American babe of a cop with a love of feral cats who moves to a small affluent neighborhood post-divorce. She winds down from the crazy life of a cop by painting pictures of crime scenes to get them out of her head. Mitch Berger is a pudgy, Jewish film critic, writer, and wannabe rockstar (but he’s a terrible guitarist) who moves to the same neighborhood from the city after his wife’s death. As with any affluent neighborhood, Des meets a ton of resistance when she tries to investigate their crimes. No one wants their secrets out in high society. Eventually, Mitch becomes her spying partner and new boyfriend. This book has all the elements for a cozy mystery series.

YTLM 1Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughan

If anything sounds like it would make a good premise to a television series or even a movie series it’s this book. Yorick is the only man left alive after a plague kills off everyone with the Y-chromosome (men), except him and his pet monkey. Now, he has to navigate this female ruled world to find answers about what happened. I’d definitely watch something based on this.

Moon CalledThe Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs

If they can make a series based on True Blood, a series based on Kelly Armstrong’s books, and be considering making a series based on that godforsaken Anita Blake series, then they can make a series about this. I would love to see Mercy and the gang on the screen.

There next picks have actually been on television before, but I would like to see them remade and picked back up!

Storm FrontThe Dresden Files by Jim Butcher

This series was how I even got into reading this series. Before that, I had no real interest in them, even being the huge Urban Fantasy buff that I am. It would be great if they brought this back. I loved Paul Blackthorne as Harry, and even though I know it wouldn’t be possible to bring him back, I’d still watch the hell out of this. Maybe they could even get James Marsters who does an excellent job narrating this series.

Blood PriceThe Vicki Nelson (Blood Books) Series by Tanya Huff

Okay, this found life on Lifetime some years back as Blood Ties, but I think it came out at a time when people weren’t ready for this (this predated True Blood, even). I really liked this show that teamed up a homicide detective and the vampire Henry Fitzroy (the son of Henry VIII who historically died at the age 17-18). I loved this show for many reason, but chief among these was Vicki battling her disability. She was slowly losing her eyesight.

And I think that’s it for me! What books would you like to see made into movies or shows?


37 Comments on “Teaser Tuesday & Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books I’d Love To See As Movies/TV Shows”

    • I think with the right people Briggs’ series could work, especially given the success of shows like True Blood and Bitten, which fall into that same category.


  1. Love your choices…
    Yes, Chew could work, especially with the success of iZombie.
    Y:The Last Man – why isn’t this already picked?! It’s one of my favorites.
    I am reluctant to say yes to Briggs series mostly because I 1)would want to see a really good production especially when it comes to werewolves. She writes amazing Pack dynamics and 2)I would really want for Mercy to be Native American.
    I want to see Good Omens by Gaiman and Pratchett adapted for years.
    I thought that Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson would look good on screen. It has blockbuster written all over it. 🙂
    The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes would also be great,


    • I can definitely see the concerns with making the MT series into a series or movie. Trust me, picking any of these were like pulling teeth for me. I am so reluctant to pick any books to be made into a movie/series. LOL.

      Good choices with Good Omens and Steelheart. Both books are still on my TBR piles, but so many of my friends have discussed them with me that I think they’d agree with your assessment. I haven’t heard of The Shining Girls, though. I’ll have to look that one up.


      • Oh, Shining Girls has really interesting premise: a killer who is traveling through time and killing only girls with potential, “shining” girls. He has a key that allows him to travel through time, so he’s stalking them, watching them as kids. One of them survives and starts hunting him back.
        Time travel is one scifi element that’s not that hard to transfer to big screen. It would be fun. 😉
        I understand you about how hard was to choose: we are all afraid they are going to ruin them. 🙂
        I believe that The Girl on the Train is already optioned (no surprise there). I had an opportunity to both read and listen it and if anyone has an option to choose- go with audio. Narration is top notch and, imo, better experience.


        • Now, I’ll have to add that to my TBR pile. That is suddenly huge again even though I just recently pruned it. I’m hopeless. I definitely agree that it’s WAY better to listen to. The narrators were great and part of the reason I think I enjoyed the book as much as I did.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Great Great choices!

    I am a long time fan of the Dresden Files. I want it on TV! The gritty detective. The magician. The rebel. It would be amazing!

    Definitely the blood books too! I love the books and am really sad that there are only 3 books in the series 😦

    I’m so happy to find a fellow urban fantasy fan!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I LOVE Urban Fantasy. I’m just now starting to read more traditional sword and sorcery type fantasy books, but I have always loved Urban Fantasy! ❤ I enjoyed both Dresden Files and Blood Ties when they were on television briefly. I'd love to see the make a comeback.


      • I was really into sword and sorcery type back in middle school. Now, I’m UF all the way 🙂


        • See, I was one of those kids who read a ton, but I was never much into sword and sorcery type fantasy. I’d read a few series here and there, but it’s not until now that I’m just starting to read the books that people have read YEARS ago. LOL. I was always more of a science-fiction/horror reader than anything when I was younger.


          • Haha, I get it. I think people like different things at different ages. It’s just the timing. For me, when I was in my teens, I never understood why people read self-help. Now, I love this genre.
            Have you read David Eddings’ books? His fantasy novels are one of my favourites.
            I’ve never been into sci-fi. Never found one that I love. Any recommendations?


          • I think I’ve read a couple of books in his Belgriad (sp?) series some years back. I remember liking them, but I never got the rest of the books. But I’m always open to more suggestions.

            I guess what kind of science fiction I’d recommend would depend on what type of stories you typically like. Do you think you’d like hard science fiction (techy sci-fi)? Then you might like Larry Niven’s books. Science-Fantasy? Then, you might like John Varley’s Titan series or Brown Girl in the Ring by Nalo Hopkins. Poetic dystopian/utopian sci-fi? Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel or 5 to 1 by Holly Bodger. Action Science fiction with humans and humanoid characters and light romance? Earthrise by M.C. Hogarth.


          • Wow thanks for the recs! I didn’t know there are different kinds of sci-fi. I’ll check them out!


          • Oh yeah, science fiction is a HUGE genre. From your every day stories that may just feature people with powers living in a modern world (think X-Men, Avengers, etc.) to elaborate stories of the future (Ringworld) to stories that combine both science and fantasy (like Dune). I can remember saying something similar when I realized how varied fantasy really was. LOL.


          • Haha. We learn new things every day ;p
            Thanks for giving me an introduction to sci-fi! 🙂


    • I loved the Anna duology. The Girl on the Train was interesting. I listened to it on audiobook and I enjoyed it. It was such a quick read (listen). Hawkins definitely knows how to keep the readers’ attention, and I loved that these women were so deeply flawed that told the story. You feel sorry for them, but at the same time, there’s something about them that doesn’t allow you to completely like them. I call them very atypical heroines, which I loved.


  3. I haven’t read it, but based on what I’ve heard about it I love the idea of Squirrel Girl becoming an animated TV series! I would definitely watch it.

    I will have to check out The Berger and Mitry series – your description of it is so great.


    • I have always been a huge fan of Squirrel Girl, even though they didn’t use her much, so I was over the moon when she finally got her own series. She definitely deserves it and it would translate well into a cartoon.

      I love the Berger and Mitry series. I can’t even remember how I got into the series, but it’s a nice blend of romance and mystery. Sometimes, I do feel like the author can get a little too “sista-girl” with Des at times and a little too “Jewish” with Mitch and another character in the book, but not in a way that’s offensive. It’s more in a way that it feels out of place depending on who they’re talking to in the books, if that makes sense.


  4. Eep. I’ve never read any of these! Although, in my defence, The Dresden Files, the Mercy Thompson series and Anna Dressed in Blood are all on my wishlist/tbr shelf. Hopefully I’ll actually get to them *before* they become movies/tv shows LOL…or get remade in the case of The Dresden Files XD


    • I highly recommend Anna Dressed in Blood and the Mercy Thompson series (though I’m behind a few books). I enjoy them. I enjoy the Dresden Files, too, but that might be because James Marsters is such an excellent narrator.


    • I don’t watch Bitten at all. My husband does (or did… I don’t even know if it still comes on). He’s also the one who got me watching True Blood during its 2nd season. I don’t like the books, though, and I watched the show for a handful of characters–not Sookie, Eric, or Bill. I couldn’t stand them. LOL.


  5. Umm…. I have to admit I’ve not read a single one of your books listed. Now I feel silly, or under-read, or lame, or something, or maybe I’ll go with grateful because now I have more books to pile onto Mount TBR (although Chew and Y: The Last Man are already there)


    • Ha! Don’t feel like that. Everyone else always make me feel lame because I’m always the last person to read all the books everyone else uses for their list. The joy of being book readers, there’s always something new to read.


  6. Y The Last Man would make a fantastic TV series/mini-series – you’re right that it just screams for adaptation. Total with you on the Dresden Files on all counts! Finally I’ve not heard of Blood Ties and it sounds fantastic – both the TV show and the book series. Will need to track those down.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I confess I haven’t read all the Vicki Nelson (Blood Books), but the show got me started, just like Dresden Files got me started. They were gone too soon.


    • I agree 100%, which is why this topic was like pulling teeth. Part of me wants to see these on the screen and then another part is afraid they’ll be terrible if they do go to screen.


  7. Amen on The Dresden Files series and the Tanya Huff series. Both of them got me into the books. Seeing Mercy made into a series would be interesting! WHO would you cast as Mercy and Adam???


    • That is a good question, especially in the case of Mercy. I’d really like to see a Native American actress playing her. Maybe someone like Amber Midthunder or Devery Jacobs or Rulan Tangen or Alex Rice or Q’orianka Kilcher or Tinsel Korey. As you can see I am indecisive and have lots of ideas. LOL. I’d have to think hard about Adam.

      Liked by 1 person

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