Lootz: Mogsy’s Book Haul

Featuring the new additions to my library for this past fortnight, as usual kicking things off with the physical pile…

Book Haul
The House of the Four Winds by Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory I’d requested an eARC of this, but then was lucky enough to win a physical copy through a sweepstakes! Really looking forward to some good maritime fantasy.

Mortal Gods by Kendare Blake – Book two of the Goddess War series and sequel to AntigoddessI really enjoyed the mythological themes in the first book, so I’m pretty excited about reading this.

Lightspeed Women Destroy Science Fiction! Special Issue edited by Christie Yant – I love Kickstarter goodies! Earlier in the year, I had backed the Women Destroy Science Fiction project from Lightspeed magazine, featuring this special issue entirely written and edited by women.

City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett – Though I own several of Robert Jackson Bennett’s books, I’m a little embarrassed to admit I haven’t read anything by him yet. I’m sure that will be rectified soon, as I won this sweet book from LibraryThing’s Early Reviewer program. I’ve already heard some awesome things about it.

Grudgebearer by J.F. Lewis – From Pyr, this book actually didn’t hit my radar until I received it in the mail. It looks interesting, so if I have time I’ll probably check it out.

Sword of the Bright Lady by M.C. Planck – Another ARC from Pyr, but this one I actually requested. The premise — which sounds like an eclectic mix of cross genre elements — looked too cool to pass up.

The Asteroid Threat by William E. Burrows – I don’t read much non-fiction, which is what this book published by Prometheus looks like. But interestingly enough, killer asteroids happen to be the focus of several books and movies I’ve enjoyed recently,  leading to a lot of discussion between me and my husband about whether or not humans can really do anything to stop a mass-extinction-causing asteroid on a collision course with earth. I may take a look at this out of curiosity.

And now on to the digital pile…

Whitefire Crossing  Koko Takes A Holiday  The Martian  A World Without Princes

The Whitefire Crossing by Courtney SchaferUntil I make a dent in my reading list, my book buying ban is still in effect for the summer, but I just couldn’t resist this one when I saw it offered as a Kindle deal. It’s been on my wishlist/TBR for a long time!

Koko Takes A Holiday by Kieran Shea – Sigh, what was that on the book-buying ban again? Well, I’ll make an exception for audiobooks. Audible is having a sale right now, and I had a couple coupons kicking around about to expire at the end of the month. Ever since I saw the cover for this, I’d been itching to pick it up and check it out. On sale, it was a no-brainer.

The Martian by Andy WeirAnother purchase from the sale. I’ve wanted to read this one so badly ever since it came out. I finally have it now, and since I have it in audiobook format, it’s jumped to the top of my reading list.

A World Without Princes by Soman Chainani – I kinda got tired of waiting for my library to get this. Since I adored the first book in audio and we have the same narrator for the second, I binged one last time at the sale and picked this up too.

23 Comments on “Lootz: Mogsy’s Book Haul”

  1. You will read City of Stairs and Whitefire Crossing as your next two books. Then you will thank me for my wisdom and making your week so much better. Trust me.


  2. For every hour that passes and you haven’t read The Martian, I’ll whack a bunny. How much blood do you want on your hands?


  3. I just requested a copy of The Martian from a new review site I stumbled across (which I will talk about on my blog) and I believe a copy is on its way to me right now. I’ve also been dying to read this! And I plan on reading Koko just as soon as I knock of a few more review titles. Awesome haul, Mogsy!


    • I can’t wait to get into the Martian – and luckily, the audiobook reviews are favorable, because I was initially worried about reading it in that format. Looking forward to finding out more about this review site too!


  4. This is the second time today I’ve seen Koko on a haul post! I too have an audible coupon hanging around…I think it’s time to whip that baby out. I’m also really excited to see how you like the School for Good and Evil 2! I’ve heard it’s awesome.


  5. I’m jealous of your House of the Four Winds – hopefully I can score a copy of that in print. I have a Robert Jackson Bennett as well that I haven’t read! I’ve heard he’s good, met him at World Con last year. I’ll have to check out City of Stairs right now.


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