
Tough Traveling: Gnomic Utterances

The Thursday feature “Tough Traveling” is the brainchild of Nathan of Review Barn, who has come up with the excellent idea of making a new list each week based on the most common tropes in fantasy, as seen in (and inspired by) The Tough Guide to Fantasyland by Diana Wynn Jones. Nathan has invited anyone […]

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Tough Traveling: Middle-Aged Heroes

The Thursday feature “Tough Traveling” is the brainchild of Nathan ofReview Barn, who has come up with the excellent idea of making a new list each week based on the most common tropes in fantasy, as seen in (and inspired by) The Tough Guide to Fantasyland by Diana Wynn Jones. Nathan has invited anyone who […]

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Tough Traveling: Dead Gods

The Thursday feature “Tough Traveling” is the brainchild of Nathan of Review Barn, who has come up with the excellent idea of making a new list each week based on the most common tropes in fantasy, as seen in (and inspired by) The Tough Guide to Fantasyland by Diana Wynn Jones. Nathan has invited anyone who is […]

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Tough Traveling: Companions

The Thursday feature “Tough Traveling” is the brainchild of Nathan of Review Barn, who has come up with the excellent idea of making a new list each week based on the most common tropes in fantasy, as seen in The Tough Guide to Fantasyland by Diana Wynn Jones. Nathan has invited anyone who is interested […]

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Book Review: City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett

City of Stairs by Robert Jackson Bennett Genre: Fantasy Series: Book 1 Publisher: Crown (September 9, 2014) Author Information: Website | Twitter Mogsy’s Rating: 4.5 of 5 stars I’ve never actually read Robert Jackson Bennett before City of Stairs, despite owning several books by him (and I can see there’s my copies of The Troupe and American Elsewhere on my shelf right […]

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Lootz: Mogsy’s Book Haul

Featuring the new additions to my library for this past fortnight, as usual kicking things off with the physical pile… The House of the Four Winds by Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory – I’d requested an eARC of this, but then was lucky enough to win a physical copy through a sweepstakes! Really looking forward to some […]

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