Get Ready for #SciFiMonth 2021!

It’s that time of the year again! November is upon us, which means so is Sci-Fi Month! Once more The BiblioSanctum is participating in 2021, and this year the hosts are imyril from and Lisa from Dear Geek Place.

Starting today, we’ll be joining other bloggers, authors, and readers in a month-long celebration of everything science fiction. But that doesn’t mean we’ll stop covering all our other favorite genres! You will most definitely continue to see our usual reviews, weekly memes and features, spotlights, and all that other fun stuff. The only difference is, some of our reviews and posts will branch off from the usual to encompass the various mediums of science fiction.

The organizers have also arranged for some pretty exciting features like giveaways, readalongs, and a whole lot of other fun activities. So if this is something you’re interested in taking part of, head on over to the Google form to sign up.

Also, the great thing about Sci-Fi Month is that it’s a casual, low-pressure event. It has no deadlines, no specific challenges or quotas to meet–just a month of fun to enjoy, discuss, and share everything science fiction. Sci-Fi Month is whatever you make it, and you are welcome to join anytime. And that’s great news for me personally, as I’m probably quite as prepared as I was in previous years. In terms of a reading list, I’ll most likely be playing things by ear. There’s not as much sci-fi on my catch-up list this year, though I want to try to get at least one Star Wars book in. And there are also a couple very high-profile new releases coming out this month.

This year I’m also hoping to bring back my Sci-5 Tuesday lists because I had a fun time doing those last year. And of course, I’m going to be doing my best to do sci-fi themed Waiting on Wednesdays and Friday Face-Offs! Just look for the posts tagged with “SciFi November” or containing the SciFi Month images and hashtags to see how we’re getting involved.

So what are you waiting for? Grab the #SciFiMonth banner and come explore the wonders of science fiction with us! Also be sure to follow the event on Twitter @SciFiMonth so you won’t miss a thing. In the meantime, feel free to let us know:

How long have you been a fan of science fiction?

Why do you like sci-fi and what is your favorite thing about it?

What are your favorite books/games/films/TV shows in the genre?

What are your plans for Sci-Fi Month?

26 Comments on “Get Ready for #SciFiMonth 2021!”

  1. I’ve got a couple of those on my list for the month too. Especially looking forward to Shards of Earth. My other plans for Scifi Month are to successfully read and write a bunch, and maybe watch I, Robot and some Ghibli movies. Also maybe some Metro? Otherwise, I hope you love Leviathan Falls!!!


  2. I very much enjoyed The Body Scout. I’d love to try some scifi by Tchaikovsky, and one day I’d like to start the Expanse, though not sure it’ll be this month.


  3. I am totally unorganised this year and don’t have a thing planned – which is pretty much representative of the last few months. I should check out my shelves to see if I can squish something in.
    Lynn 😀


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