Waiting on Wednesday 08/19/20

Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme that first originated at Breaking the Spine but has since linked up with “Can’t Wait Wednesday” at Wishful Endings now that the original creator is unable to host it anymore. Either way, this fun feature is a chance to showcase the upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

The Councillor by E.J Beaton (March 2, 2021 by DAW)

This upcoming debut recently landed on my radar, but I’m definitely keeping my eye on it because of the description of a “Machiavellian fantasy” and the fact it features a scholarly main character. Definitely my kind of protagonist!

“This Machiavellian fantasy follows a scholar’s quest to choose the next ruler of her kingdom amidst lies, conspiracy, and assassination

When the death of Iron Queen Sarelin Brey fractures the realm of Elira, Lysande Prior, the palace scholar and the queen’s closest friend, is appointed Councillor. Publically, Lysande must choose the next monarch from amongst the city-rulers vying for the throne. Privately, she seeks to discover which ruler murdered the queen, suspecting the use of magic.

Resourceful, analytical, and quiet, Lysande appears to embody the motto she was raised with: everything in its place. Yet while she hides her drug addiction from her new associates, she cannot hide her growing interest in power. She becomes locked in a game of strategy with the city-rulers – especially the erudite prince Luca Fontaine, who seems to shift between ally and rival.

Further from home, an old enemy is stirring: the magic-wielding White Queen is on the move again, and her alliance with a traitor among the royal milieu poses a danger not just to the peace of the realm, but to the survival of everything that Lysande cares about.

In a world where the low-born keep their heads down, Lysande must learn to fight an enemy who wears many guises… even as she wages her own battle between ambition and restraint.”

22 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 08/19/20”

  1. What an unusual concept – I think this one could be very good and certainly different. In some respects it reminds me of one of last year’s SPFBO books called Kingshold – which was sort of about finding a new ruler and revolved around politics and voting. It worked very well.
    Lynn 😀


  2. Ho,estly it is vastly different from what I am reading now but not so far to what I used to read many years ago (try decades LOL). I hope you’ll love it when you’ll read it Mogsy!


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