Waiting on Wednesday 09/11/19

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme that first originated at Breaking the Spine but has since linked up with “Can’t Wait Wednesday” at Wishful Endings now that the original creator is unable to host it anymore. Either way, this fun feature is a chance to showcase the upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

The Bard’s Blade by Brian D. Anderson (January 28, 2020 by Tor Books)

This book was recently brought to my attention, and the more I read its description, the more I think it’s right up my alley! I’m picking up some old-school fantasy vibes, which is something I haven’t had a chance to revisit in a while. I haven’t read any of the author’s other series, so this also seems like it might be good opportunity to check out his work.

“The start of a new fantasy adventure from Brian D. Anderson, bestselling author of The Godling Chronicles and Dragonvein series.

Mariyah enjoys a simple life in Vylari, a land magically sealed off from the outside world, where fear and hatred are all but unknown. There she’s a renowned wine maker and her betrothed, Lem, is a musician of rare talent. Their destiny has never been in question. Whatever life brings, they will face it together.

But destiny has a way of choosing its own path, and when a stranger crosses the wards into Vylari for the first time in centuries, the two are faced with a terrible prophecy. For beyond the borders, an ancient evil is returning, its age-old prison shattered.

The two must leave their home behind, and in doing so will face sorcerers and thieves, con-men and assassins, treachery and greed. How far down this path will they have to go to stop the rising darkness and save their home? And how much of themselves will they have to give up along the way?”

16 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 09/11/19”

  1. This does sound interesting and one I’d like to try. Parts of it do sound familiar, but that never gets in the way of me enjoying a new take on something when its done well. Like you, I’ve not yet tried anything by this author, and I agree, this might be a good place to start.


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