Waiting on Wednesday 06/12/19

Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme that first originated at Breaking the Spine but has since linked up with “Can’t Wait Wednesday” at Wishful Endings now that the original creator is unable to host it anymore. Either way, this fun feature is a chance to showcase the upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

The Glass Magician by Caroline Stevermer (April 7th 2020 by Tor Books)

Okay, it was the comparison to The Golem and the Jinni that kinda did it. Though the gorgeous cover that I spied on Goodreads earlier this week didn’t hurt either. Regardless, if this one can live up to its blurb, it’ll be a book to watch.

“Reminiscent of The Golem and the Jinni, The Glass Magician by Caroline Stevermer is a magical and romantic tale set in New York’s Gilded Age.

New York 1905–The Vanderbilts. The Astors. The Morgans. They are the cream of society–and they own the nation on the cusp of a new century.

Thalia Cutler doesn’t have any of those family connections. What she does know is stage magic and she dazzles audiences with an act that takes your breath away.

That is, until one night when a trick goes horribly awry. In surviving she discovers that she can shapeshift, and has the potential to take her place among the rich and powerful.

But first, she’ll have to learn to control that power…before the real monsters descend to feast.”

19 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 06/12/19”

  1. OOoh nice! I love stories based on older fairy tales/myths/etc. I feel like I recognize The Golem and the Jinni, but can’t quite remember it. I might have to look that one up again!

    Here’s my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂


    • I think it’s teeth, because the bird’s body kind of has shapes that looks like the eye sockets and the nasal aperture of a skull! But yes, the teeth kind of look odd too, like they have fins and feathers! Ick 😛


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