Waiting on Wednesday 03/06/19

Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme that first originated at Breaking the Spine but has since linked up with “Can’t Wait Wednesday” at Wishful Endings now that the original creator is unable to host it anymore. Either way, this fun feature is a chance to showcase the upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

The Harp of Kings by Juliet Marillier (September 3, 2019 by Ace Books)

It’s the start of a new series by the wonderful and amazing Juliet Marillier, that alone is exciting enough! Also, I co-host an MMO music podcast called The Battle Bards, so I kind of have to read this.

“A young woman is both a bard–and a warrior–in this thrilling historical fantasy from the author of the Sevenwaters novels.

Eighteen-year-old Liobhan is a powerful singer and an expert whistle player. Her brother has a voice to melt the hardest heart, and a rare talent on the harp. But Liobhan’s burning ambition is to join the elite warrior band on Swan Island. She and her brother train there to compete for places, and find themselves joining a mission while still candidates. Their unusual blend of skills makes them ideal for this particular job, which requires going undercover as traveling minstrels. For Swan Island trains both warriors and spies.

Their mission: to find and retrieve a precious harp, an ancient symbol of kingship, which has gone mysteriously missing. If the instrument is not played at the upcoming coronation, the candidate will not be accepted and the people could revolt. Faced with plotting courtiers and tight-lipped druids, an insightful storyteller, and a boorish Crown Prince, Liobhan soon realizes an Otherworld power may be meddling in the affairs of the kingdom. When ambition clashes with conscience, Liobhan must make a bold decision and is faced with a heartbreaking choice…”

22 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 03/06/19”

  1. I love the sound of this and of course I have this ridiculous urge to pick up anything by this author – even though I’m desperately behind with her Blackthorn and Grimm series it doesn’t stop me having a massive attack of the grabby hands. *fear of missing a good book syndrome* strikes again!
    Lynn 😀


  2. The three Blackthorn and Grim books made me a staunch Marillier fan (well, it happened after book 1, to say the truth…) so I will look forward to this with great enthusiasm – and maybe pick finally up the first Sevenwaters book that has been languishing on my reading queue for a while… 🙂


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