#RRSciFiMonth: Sci-Fi Month 2018 Introduction

You may have noticed the hashtag #RRSciFiMonth and its related images popping up all over the book blogosphere today. That’s because it’s November, which means it’s that time of the year again! Yep, it’s Sci-Fi Month. The BiblioSanctum has had such a great time being a part of this event in previous years that we’re participating again in 2018. This year, the hosts are Imyril of One More and Lisa of Dear Geek Place.

Starting today, we’ll be joining other bloggers, authors, and readers in a month-long celebration of everything science fiction. That doesn’t mean we’ll stop covering all our other favorite speculative fiction genres though! You will most definitely continue to see our usual fantasy reviews, weekly memes and features, spotlights, and all that other fun stuff. The only difference is, some of our reviews and posts will branch off from the usual to encompass the various mediums of science fiction.

This year, I’m not as on the ball with regards to planning, so I’m probably just going to play things by ear. I might use this opportunity to catch up with some science fiction books I missed. The great thing about Sci-Fi Month is that it’s a casual, low-pressure event. It has no deadlines, no specific challenges or quotas to meet–just a month of fun to enjoy, discuss, and share everything science fiction. The organizers have also arranged for some exciting features like giveaways and Twitter parties, so if this is something you want to be a part of, head on over to this Google form to sign up.

After that, grab the banner and button, and dive right in! Everyone is welcome, and you can join up anytime. Be sure to also follow the hashtag #RRSciFiMonth on Twitter so you won’t miss a thing.

Here at The BiblioSanctum, simply look for posts tagged with “SciFi November” or those that contain the SciFi Month images and hashtags to see how we’re getting involved. Come explore the wonders of science fiction with us, and to kick off the discussion, feel free to let us know:

How long have you been a fan of science fiction?

Why do you like sci-fi and what is your favorite thing about it?

What are your favorite books/games/films/TV shows in the genre?

What are your plans for Sci-Fi Month?

35 Comments on “#RRSciFiMonth: Sci-Fi Month 2018 Introduction”

  1. I love that this is a low pressure event, and yet I still find myself making lists and planning! I also have a bunch of fantasy, etc to read so well see how it goes😁


  2. This looks so cool! Next year, hopefully I’ll remember this is a thing (as this year was the first I’ve heard of it) as I want to get caught up on some ARCs this month, but I am always trying to get more into sci-fi. Can’t wait to see what books you end up reading!


    • It’s never too late to sign up! Just click that google form link and dive in 🙂

      And I’ve always loved the low-stress aspect of this event. Of course, there are challenges out there you can join (I only just found out today the Sci-Fi Month hosts have put together one you can do for fun) but they are entirely optional.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. this is the first time I’ve joined in with this and I’m looking forward to it-I like the lack of rules and pressure compared to other challenges online. Not sure how many I’ll get read but I plan to give it a good go!


  4. Pingback: Mission Status Update: what awaits us out there? – x+1

  5. I meant to do an intro post for this too but just didn’t seem to get round to doing so. I’ve just read Skyward though so that counts as my first sci-fi read for the month.
    Lynn 😀


  6. I just stumbled onto this today and can’t wait to dive into the posts this month – and maybe contribute some of my own! Out of curiosity, what does the “RR” at the beginning of #RRScifiMonth stand for?


  7. Pingback: Sci-fi month is here! – Reflections of a bluestocking

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