Waiting on Wednesday 09/19/18

Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme that first originated at Breaking the Spine but has since linked up with “Can’t Wait Wednesday” at Wishful Endings now that the original creator is unable to host it anymore. Either way, this fun feature is a chance to showcase the upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

Twilight of the Gods by Scott Oden (April 30, 2019 by St. Martin’s Press)

I can’t believe I only just found out about this book! And I still would have been none the wiser had the author not stopped by my hidden gems post last week, and mentioned that one of my favorites, A Gathering of Ravens, will be followed up with a standalone sequel next spring. Guys, I’m fantastically excited about this one. If you enjoy historical fantasy, Norse mythology, and Orcs, you should check out the series.

“It is the year of Our Lord 1218 and in the land of the Raven-Geats, the Old Ways reach deep. And while the Geats pay a tax to the King in the name of the White Christ, their hearts and souls belong to the gods of Ásgarðr. But no man can serve two masters.

Pledging to burn this Norse heresy from the land, famed crusader Konráðr the White leads a host against the Raven-Geats, using torch and sword to bring forth the light of the new religion. But the land of the Raven-Geats has an ancient protector: Grimnir, the last in a long line of monsters left to plague Miðgarðr. And he will stand between the Raven-Geats and their destruction.

Aided by an army of berserkers led by their pale queen, Grimnir sparks off an epic struggle –not only against the crusaders, but against the very Gods. For there is something buried beneath the land of the Raven-Geats that Odin wants, something best left undisturbed. Something the blood of the slain, Christian and pagan, will surely awaken.”

27 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 09/19/18”

  1. Woah- nice cover! It totally screams Norse badassness to me too lol. I had no idea of this either, and A Gathering of Ravens wasn’t on my radar too much either, but now they are!


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