Friday Face-Off: Doors

Welcome to The Friday Face-Off, a weekly meme created by Books by Proxy! Each Friday, we will pit cover against cover while also taking the opportunity to showcase gorgeous artwork and feature some of our favorite book covers. If you want to join the fun, simply choose a book each Friday that fits that week’s predetermined theme, post and compare two or more different covers available for that book, then name your favorite. A list of future weeks’ themes are available at Lynn’s Book Blog.

This week’s theme is:

“Knock, knock…who’s there?”
~ a cover featuring a DOOR

Mogsy’s Pick:
A Head Full of Ghosts by Paul Tremblay

So I fudged today’s topic a little, since the theme actually calls for a closed or slightly ajar door. But being more general afforded me some better options, so this is my story and I’m sticking to it. At its heart, A Head Full of Ghosts is a possession story (a complicated one, but let’s just roll with that). It stars the Barretts, a seemingly average suburban New England family hit by hard times. When John Barrett lost his job, his wife Sarah became the soul breadwinner. Finances became further strained when their eldest daughter, fourteen-year-old Marjorie started getting sick, displaying symptoms of psychosis. Doctors, however, were unable to help. Reluctantly, the family decides to turn to the Catholic Church. A priest called Father Wanderly suggests that Marjorie could be under the influence of a demon. A TV production company was also contacted, and they in turn offer the Barretts a large sum of money if they will agree to be filmed for the exorcism.

Fifteen years later, the Barrett’s youngest daughter Merry, who was eight at the time, breaks the silence about what really happened.

Let’s take a look at the covers:

From left to right:
William Morrow (2015) – Titan Books (2016)


Bulgarian Edition (2016) – Italian Edition (2017) – Slovak Edition (2016)


Portuguese Edition (2017) – Hungarian Edition (2016)


Turkish Edition (2016) – Indonesian Edition (2017) – French Edition (2018)


Polish Edition (2016) – German Edition (2018)



Lots to choose from this time, and a few that are actually really good. My favorites are the Portuguese edition (I really love the cool effect of the light and shadows made by the doors in that creepy hallway), the Hungarian edition (which is unabashedly trying to be reminiscent of The Exorcist), the Polish edition (because that color scheme is very interesting to me), and the German edition (even though it makes the book look like it’s about a haunting). Ah, decisions decisions decisions. After going back and forth, I finally narrowed it down to a winner.

But what you do think? Which one is your favorite?

30 Comments on “Friday Face-Off: Doors”

  1. Hungarian edition!! I thought this lady was floating out of a casket or something but then realized it’s actually a door and the wrong way

    I love the colours and the creepiness^^

    The Slovak edition looks like ‘The Ring’

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So many people love this book. I should really find out why some day. I actually think I like the Titan edition which is odd, because it also really seems to be the one that doesn’t fit and which also has no door. Crazy huh?


  3. I’m actually partial to the William Morrow edition, I think tilted or upside down scapes are so creepy! I also love the Portuguese edition for some reason. Great choice!


  4. Good choice, the color scheme is indeed intriguing. I also like the first cover, the one from W.Morrow: like Tammy, I believe that the tilted view adds to the weirdness of the theme… And in this hot summer, a few chills are exactly what we need! 😀


  5. These are a great selection of covers – haven’t there been an amazing bunch of books chosen for this theme this week? And I love your choice – the Polish one is by far the most beautiful. It’s the lighting that sets this one apart, I think.


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