Mogsy’s Bookshelf Roundup: Stacking the Shelves & Recent Reads

Bookshelf Roundup is a feature I do every other weekend which fills the role of several blog memes, like Stacking the Shelves where I talk about the new books I’ve added to my library or received for review, as well as It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? where I round up what I’ve read since the last update and what I’m planning to read soon. Mostly it also serves as a recap post, so sometimes I’ll throw in stuff like reading challenge progress reports, book lists, and other random bookish thoughts or announcements.

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I returned from my road trip last week to a pile of books waiting, so this is going to be a pretty big update. Reading-wise, I’m behind (haha, what else is new?) but while most of the progress I’d made in advance has been lost, I’m working hard at getting back into the groove. As always, I’d like to thank the publishers and authors for the review copies received, and for more details and full descriptions of the books, be sure to check out the links to their Goodreads pages!

With thanks to Tor Books for the following finished copies received: Low Chicago by George R.R. Martin, the newest Wild Cards anthology; Mystic Dragon by Jason Denzel, the long-awaited sequel to Mystic, which I loved; and City of Lies by Sam Hawke, which has been getting a ton of accolades as of late, and I can’t started on it. Also thanks to the publisher’s YA imprint Tor Teen for Like Never and Always by Ann Aguirre, a mystery thriller about a teen who wakes up from an accident in her best friend’s body. This one is new to me, but I’ve enjoyed Aguirre’s books in the past so I’m curious.

Next up, a surprise arrival from across the ocean! My thanks to Jo Fletcher Book for Blood Cruise by Mats Strandberg, a horror set aboard a cruise ship on the Baltic Sea. I’d never heard of this book before, but now I really want to read it.

Another arrival from UK, Minecraft: The Crash by Tracey Baptiste is the second novel in the official Minecraft series, which I’ve already reviewed here. It was really good, much better than I expected, and it made me cry! My thanks to Century Books for sending me this gorgeous hardcover.

With thanks to Orbit for these new arrivals: Annex by Rich Larson is a debut novel about two young outsiders who must find a way to defeat an alien invasion; Empire of Sand by Tasha Suri is a lush fantasy inspired by the Mughal era of India; Dreadful Company by Vivian Shaw is the second novel in the Dr. Greta Helsing series, which I’m looking forward to continue; and Successor’s Promise by Trudi Canavan is the final novel in the Millennium’s Rule series. The arrival of this paperback edition is a nice reminder that I still need to finish this excellent trilogy.

With thanks to Saga Press and the kind folks at Wunderkind PR, I also received a huge tome of a novel in European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman by Theodora Goss, the sequel to last year’s charming The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter. The page-count of this one is quite intimidating, I confess, but I owe it to this wonderful series to start it as soon as possible.

Courtesy of Simon & Schuster, I also received a surprise ARC of Rabbit & Robot by Andrew Smith. This one’s new to me, but the quirky title and cover caught my attention right away. All I know is that this Young Adult story features giant lunar-cruise ships and cannibalistic robots, but that’s good enough for me! Straight onto the TBR it goes.

Murder on Millionaire’s Road by Erin Lindsey is another book I’m super excited about. The author contacted me earlier this month with a heads up about her new haunted mystery coming out this fall, and it has since rocketed up my most anticipated list. Big thanks to Erin and the awesome team at Jabberwocky and Minotaur Books.

Thanks also to Night Shade Books for The Final Frontier edited by Neil Clarke, a collection of stories about space exploration, colonization, and first contact. I’m not a big anthology person, but the impressive list of authors here including names like Ken Liu, Elizabeth Bear, Nancy Kress, and Seth Dicksinson and more sure makes this one  very tempting.

I’d also like to thank Pyr Books for Keepers by Brenda Cooper, the follow-up to Wilders which introduced readers to a world in a future where human expansion and environmental change has shaped the face of the planet in dramatic ways. I enjoyed the first book well enough, so there’s a good chance I’ll complete the duology.

A few weeks ago, I got an email about The Book of Hidden Things by Francesco Dimitri and was completely enchanted by its description of a seductive tale of magic and wonder, friendship and betrayal. The author is also a beloved fantasy author in Italy and this is his English debut. With thanks to Titan Books for the review copy.

With thanks also to DAW Books for a finished copy of Gift of Griffins by V.M. Escalada, the sequel to Halls of Law. From the publisher I also received an ARC of Worldshaper by Edward Willett, the start of a new portal fantasy following one woman’s journey through a labyrinth of new dimensions. Really looking forward to checking it out.




In the digital pile, we’re kicking things off Lipstick Voodoo by Kristi Charish, the second book in the Kincaid Strange series. I can’t tell you how excited I am about this one! Initially I figured I had no chance getting approved as a US blogger requesting a book from a Canadian publisher, but in the end the author got in touch and I was sent a widget. Thank you Kristi and Vintage Canada!

From NetGalley, I also snagged The Mansion by Ezekiel Boone. Admittedly, I wasn’t too crazy about the ending of his Hatching trilogy, but I had fun with the series otherwise, so when I saw that his upcoming book was available for request, I just couldn’t resist. Thanks to Atria/Emily Bestler Books for approving me.

With thanks to, I was also sent an eARC of Static Ruin by Corey J. White. It is the third book of the Voidwitch Saga, which reminds me: I should really get started on this series.

Up next, it’s a parade of audio review copies: from HarperAudio, I received Sea Witch by Sarah Henning, a YA retelling of The Little Mermaid which offers an origin story for the villain. From Penguin Random House Audio I received The Point by John Dixon, a sci-fi action thriller about a rebellious teenager who enters a top-secret training program at West Point that turns misfits into a new generation of heroes; Thrawn: Alliances by Timothy Zahn, the new Star Wars novel featuring the highly anticipated team-up between Grand Admiral Thrawn and Darth Vader; A Double Life by Flynn Berry, a psychological thriller about a hardworking doctor who is also the daughter of a notorious murder suspect, though nobody knows it; Vox by Christina Dalcher, a story of a woman and her daughter in a dystopian future where the government decrees that women are no longer allowed more than 100 words daily; and Relic by Alan Dean Foster, a sci-fi novel about the last known surviving human being in the universe as he searches for companionship in a lonely galaxy.


A list of my reviews posted since the last update:

Spellslinger by Sebastien de Castell (4.5 of 5 stars)
Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier (4 of 5 stars)
Station Breaker by Andrew Mayne (4 of 5 stars)
Minecraft: The Crash by Tracey Baptiste (4 of 5 stars)
Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse (4 of 5 stars)
Something in the Water by Catherine Steadman (4 of 5 stars)
A People’s History of the Vampire Uprising by Raymond A. Villareal (3.5 of 5 stars)

Roundup Highlights:

Interviews & Guest Posts

A huge thanks to the authors who stopped by The BiblioSanctum this week!

Guest Post: “Licence of Chill – James Bond and Horror” by Nick Setchfield

What I’ve Read Since the Last Update

Here’s what I’ve managed to “unstack” from the TBR since the last update. More reviews coming soon!



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Have you heard of or read any of the books featured this week? What caught your eye? Any new discoveries? I hope you found something interesting for a future read! Let me know what you plan on checking out. Until next time, see you next Roundup!:)

32 Comments on “Mogsy’s Bookshelf Roundup: Stacking the Shelves & Recent Reads”

  1. Oh wow, that’s a lot to catch up on! How far are you in the Trudi Canavan series? I only read the first part but wasn’t a big fan. Still good to see that it’s concluded now. Trudi is a reliable writer for sure^^

    Her books always sound really interesting, but it’s hit & miss for me.

    I might not like everything she writes but she’s living not far away from here so I feel like ‘supporting’ local authors haha


    • I have only this last book to read to finish up Trudi Canavan’s trilogy. Though it’s been so long, I think I might need a bit of a reread or a refresher before I hop back in!

      That’s so awesome that she’s local to you though! I know she’s a big deal in Australia, if I were Australian I’d be proud that she’s from my neck of the woods too 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. While I’m desperately trying to close my ears to the siren song of so many intriguing titles 😀 I’m very curious about that new book by Aguirre: it’s been a long time since I read any of her books, and I’d like to see what she has in store for us…


  3. Lots of good stuff this week! Murder on Millionaire’s Row looks fun, and so does Worldshaper. That one really gets my attention with that premise. And Relic has me really curious! I haven’t read Alan Dean Foster in a dog’s age!

    Curious about all of those!


    • Yeah, Worldshaper sounds great, it’s been a while since I’ve read a portal fantasy. And tell me about it, I can’t remember the last time I read ADF, unless we’re counting Star Wars novelizations 🙂


  4. A lot of great books waiting in the wings there! I’m really interested in that Empire of Sand. Curious about the Ann Aguirre book as well, I want to read some of her solo work, I’ve only read a duology she wrote with her husband but enjoyed it a lot.

    My husband is so excited about that Thrawn book. I think he’s probably almost finished it already. 😀


  5. Oh wow! Nice new reads! Lots of new to me ones here! That cover for Blood Cruise is creepy! And I only noticed the blood at the last second! Lol! The long creepy looking hallways always give me chills! Lol! Hope you enjoy each and every one of your new reads!

    My STS will be up tomorrow, so stop by then if you can!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower 🙂


  6. Wow! A lof of very interesting books! Thrawn and Darth Vader written by Timothy Zahn? I hope you review it soon. 🙂


  7. Holy Cow, maybe you should go on vacation more often, lol😁 I’m really intrigued by Blood Cruise and Worldshaper. I was so tempted to request The Mansion but I’m seriously trying to cut back on NG requests. And yay for Lipstick Voodoo!


  8. I’ve heard so many things about City of Lies, hoping to start it soon as well!!
    The hanging dog on the cover of Book of Strange New Things makes me so sad T^T
    I love the cover of The Point, that jacket is really cool!


    • I’m hoping to start City of Lies soon too. And oof, I hadn’t even noticed the hanging dog on the cover to Book of Strange New Things until you mentioned it, now I’m a bit wary about what’s in this book! 😛


  9. I’m curious about the Book of Hidden Things too. It sounds like something I’d like and if the writing great, then I’ll fall totally in love with it.


  10. That is quite the update! There are a few books on here that I’m curious about, like City of Lies and Worldshaper (the former I’d heard of, the latter is new to me). Other people have also recommended Trudi Canavan’s books to me before, but since you mentioned her upcoming one is the last in a series, that would obviously be a bad place for me to start. XD What book(s) would you recommend to a Canavan newcomer?

    The only new book I’ve gotten recently is Naomi Novik’s Spinning Silver, which I’m already having mixed feelings about. But I’m only 50 or so pages in, so I’m trying to give it a fair chance…


    • To be honest, I’m no expert on Canavan either, I’ve only read like 3 of her books, haha! I’ve read The Magician’s Guild, which is the first book of her Black Magician trilogy (which I think is her most well known series, I’m not sure). It was all right, but I didn’t continue because it felt too generic for me. The other two books I’ve read are the first two in this trilogy, called Millennium Rule. The copy of Successor’s Promise I got was actually the paperback edition of the third book; the hardcover came out last year, so the trilogy is finished. I still have yet to read this final volume.

      And I’m curious to know what you’ll think of Spinning Silver, so keep me updated on your progress! I actually loved the first half of the book, I didn’t start having mixed feelings until later. So who knows, things could change at any time! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  11. I’m behind tooooooo! Hehehe. We’re all in this together. 😍 Welcome back from the road trip! OMG, you got Empire of Sand! I’ve heard such great things about that book and I’m excited for the #ownvoices rep. I may need to request it from the pub, it’s one of the few upcoming books that have caught my eye. 😍 I hope you enjoy all of your new books!

    Have a wonderful day, Mogsy. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


  12. Wow, awesome haul. I’ve had my eye on Blood Cruise and am pretty sure I’m ordering a physical copy this week as I can’t get it on Kindle. I am super curious about Rabbit and Robot – you know I like my odd tales. I’ve been hearing some pretty good things about Vox. Man, there are WAY too many books out now I want to read.


  13. Ooh, The Book of Hidden Things looks so intriguing! The cover is really pretty, and it’s so cool to know that it’s by a foreign author too; I think I’ll this to my TBR! And I didn’t know Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter was getting a sequel! (Or did I…? Humm…) I’m curious where that story will go! Awesome haul! 😀


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