Waiting on Wednesday 04/11/18

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme that first originated at Breaking the Spine but has since linked up with “Can’t Wait Wednesday” at Wishful Endings now that the original creator is unable to host it anymore. Either way, this fun feature is a chance to showcase the upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

The Corset by Laura Purcell (October 4, 2018 by Raven Books)

After my time with her excellent Gothic horror novel The Silent Companions, I can hardly wait for Laura Purcell’s next book, another Victorian chiller about ghosts. As of now only information from a UK publisher is available, but I’m crossing my fingers that we’ll soon get news about a US release.

“Is prisoner Ruth Butterham mad or a murderer? Victim or villain?

Dorothea and Ruth.

Prison visitor and prisoner. Powerful and powerless.

Dorothea Truelove is young, wealthy and beautiful. Ruth Butterham is young, poor and awaiting trial for murder.

When Dorothea’s charitable work leads her to Oakgate Prison, she is delighted with the chance to explore her fascination with phrenology and test her hypothesis that the shape of a person’s skull can cast a light on their darkest crimes. But when she meets teenage seamstress Ruth, she is faced with another theory: that it is possible to kill with a needle and thread. For Ruth attributes her crimes to a supernatural power inherent in her stitches.

The story Ruth has to tell of her deadly creations – of bitterness and betrayal, of death and dresses – will shake Dorothea’s belief in rationality, and the power of redemption.

Can Ruth be trusted? Is she mad, or a murderer?”

17 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 04/11/18”

  1. After reading your review of The Silent Companions, I’m definitely on board with this! Does it remind you a little of Torn? Sewing magic!


  2. Oh yes. I haven’t read the Silent Companions yet but I expect I’m going to love it – I just have a good feeling – so this one is going in the basket!
    Lynn 😀


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