Friday Face-Off: Grass

Welcome to The Friday Face-Off, a weekly meme created by Books by Proxy! Each Friday, we will pit cover against cover while also taking the opportunity to showcase gorgeous artwork and feature some of our favorite book covers. If you want to join the fun, simply choose a book each Friday that fits that week’s predetermined theme, post and compare two or more different covers available for that book, then name your favorite. A list of future weeks’ themes are available at Lynn’s Book Blog.

This week’s theme is:

“The grass is always greener on the other side of personal extinction”
~ a cover featuring GRASS

Mogsy’s Pick:
The Magicians by Lev Grossman

This was a book that annoyed me to no end, but interestingly enough I ended up enjoying the trilogy as a whole. The story follows disillusioned protagonist Quentin Coldwater, a high school student who never really grew out of his love for a series of novels he read as a kid about the adventures of five siblings in a magical land called Fillory. Compared to that, the real world couldn’t help but disappoint.

So imagine his excitement when he discovered that magic was real. And not only was it real, Quentin himself was identified as a promising young magician and invited to highly secret and exclusive school called the Brakebills College for Magical Pedagogy in upstate New York.

Here are some of the more interesting covers or the ones that fit this week’s theme:

From left to right, top to bottom:
Viking (2009) – Arrow (2009) – Plume (2015)
Polish (2010) – Dutch (2010) – Italian (2010)
Italian (2017) – Portuguese (2010) – Portuguese (2011)
Swedish (2011) – Bulgarian (2010) – Hungarian (2015)






There are some really pretty covers going up against each other this week. My top three are probably the Arrow edition and the Hungarian edition, with the Portuguese edition (the 2010 version) coming in first place. What can I say, I just love shades of blue.

What do you think? Which one is your favorite?

31 Comments on “Friday Face-Off: Grass”

  1. Nice variety of these! I might like the Viking and 2011 Portuguese ones the best! Hard to say, I keep changing my mind! I like the Arrow one too, and even the Bulgarian one a bit. Maybe the Italian one too, lol, with the tree and the green…


  2. Grumpy Cat says “None!”.

    While I finished the book, I’ve never read another book by Grossman. I’m a big Narnia and CS Lewis fan, so his pillorying of Narnia really hit a nerve.


  3. At first, I was a fan of the Hungarian cover most, but seeing this one on a larger scale… I’m going to have to agree with you 🙂

    I never read this series, but if I recall, wasn’t one thing people were saying about this series was that it was “Harry Potter for adults”?


  4. That’s the one I would chose as my favorite too. You know, thinking back, I think I’ve picked a lot of Portuguese ones as my faves over the past few months. I’m hesitant to read this series although I am curious. I’ve heard just as many good things as bad it seems. I’ve also never started the watching the series. Have you? Do they match up?


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