Waiting on Wednesday 06/28/17

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that lets us feature upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

Lady Henterman’s Wardrobe Marshall Ryan Maresca (March 6, 2018 by DAW Books)

This week I’m waiting on the sequel to The Holver Alley Crew, the second book of The Streets of Maradaine. For those keeping count, that’s THREE series Marshall Ryan Maresca is working on now set in his world of Maradaine, but this one might just be my favorite yet. What can I say…I love my stories about heists and thieves.

“Mixing high fantasy and urban fantasy, the second novel of the Streets of Maradaine series follows the Rynax brothers’ crew of outlaws as they attempt their biggest heist yet and restore justice to the common people.

The neighborhood of North Seleth has suffered–and not just the Holver Alley Fire. Poverty and marginalization are forcing people out of the neighborhood, and violence on the streets is getting worse. Only the Rynax brothers–Asti and Verci–and their Holver Alley Crew are fighting for the common people. They’ve taken care of the people who actually burned down Holver Alley, but they’re still looking for the moneyed interests behind the fire.

The trail of breadcrumbs leads the crew to Lord Henterman, and they plan to infiltrate the noble’s house on the other side of the city. While the crew tries to penetrate the heart of the house, the worst elements of North Seleth seem to be uniting under a mysterious new leader. With the crew’s attention divided, Asti discovers that the secrets behind the fire, including ones from his past, might be found in Lady Henterman’s wardrobe.”

15 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 06/28/17”

    • I know it’s only been one book so far, but I do have a feeling that The Streets of Maradaine is going to be “my series”, as in the one that works best for me. His other series with the mage student vigilante and the two constabulary officers are good too, but you know…heists! 😀


    • Nope, the series are all self contained so you can just dive right in. I’m not even caught up on the original Maradaine series yet. Apparently at some point they will all lead up to something big, but at this moment I’m not too concerned about missing some of the books 🙂


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