Waiting on Wednesday: 05/17/17

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that lets us feature upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

The Speaker by Traci Chee (November 7, 2017 by G.P. Putnam’s Sons Books for Young Readers)

Traci Chee blew me away last year with her debut The Reader, which became one of my top YA reads of 2016. With luck, the sequel will be just as well received.

“Having barely escaped the clutches of the Guard, Sefia and Archer are back on the run, slipping into the safety of the forest to tend to their wounds and plan their next move. Haunted by painful memories, Archer struggles to overcome the trauma of his past with the impressors, whose cruelty plagues him whenever he closes his eyes. But when Sefia and Archer happen upon a crew of impressors in the wilderness, Archer finally finds a way to combat his nightmares: by hunting impressors and freeing the boys they hold captive.

With Sefia’s help, Archer travels across the kingdom of Deliene rescuing boys while she continues to investigate the mysterious Book and secrets it contains. But the more battles they fight, the more fights Archer craves, until his thirst for violence threatens to transform him from the gentle boy Sefia knows to a grim warrior with a cruel destiny. As Sefia begins to unravel the threads that connect Archer’s fate to her parents’ betrayal of the Guard so long ago, she and Archer must figure out a way to subvert the Guard’s plans before they are ensnared in a war that will pit kingdom against kingdom, leaving their future and the safety of the entire world hanging in the balance.”

13 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday: 05/17/17”

  1. This cover is so eye catching! I still have plans to read The Reader, so good to know the sequel is sort of far off, which gives me more time to catch up:-)


  2. This series must have eluded my sight until now, because it comes as a total novelty: what more intrigues me, after reading your review for book 1, is the fact that the main character does not know what a book is, and that her journey of discovery starts with this… mysterious object. Label me intrigued! 🙂
    Thanks for sharing!


    • Yeah, I’ve noticed Penguin doing that too – a couple of my books from them started in hardcover, but because it didn’t do well or whatever, the sequel and subsequent books got released in paperback and for some reason they feel they have to change the whole look, arrgh!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Drat – I still need to read the first of this series – I remember your absolutely glowing review and thinking I must read it – and now, here I am, not having read it and the second in sight. Although, I choose to take this as a good thing and find a silver lining because when I do pick this up I won’t have a horribly long wait.
    Lynn 😀


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