“Can’t Wait” Books of Mid-2017


Lists. I love them! It’s fun to organize my reading and they also have the added benefit of focusing my attention to the “must-read” releases that I’m very excited to check out. After the list I made for “Early 2017”, I’ve decided to do it again for Mid-2017. So, without further ado, time now once more to geek out over these Science Fiction and Fantasy titles that are set to come out over the next few months, as we keep marching on ahead towards perfect beach-reading weather. Not sure how I’ll find the time to get to all of these, but uh, um, I’ll figure out a way…somehow. What’s on your mid-2016 TBR?





May 1 to May 7 – Borrowed Souls by Chelsea MuellerCity of Miracles by Robert Jackson BennettTremontaine created by Ellen Kushner, The Boy on the Bridge by M.C. Carey, Free Space by Sean Danker

May 8 to May 14 – The Last Iota by Robert Kroese

May 15 to May 21 – Flame in the Mist by Renee Ahdieh, The Empire’s Ghost by Isabelle Steiger

May 22 to May 28 – Dragon Teeth by Michael Crichton, Blood Oath by Melissa Lenhardt

May 29 to June 4 – Only the Dead Know Brooklyn by Chris Vola, The White Road by Sarah Lotz





June 5 to June 11 – You Die When You Die by Angus Watson, Tyrant’s Throne by Sebastien de Castell

June 12 to June 18 – Roar by Cora Carmack, Wilders by Brenda Cooper, Soleri by Michael Johnston

June 19 to June 25 – The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter by Theodora Goss, A Gathering of Ravens by Scott Oden, Godblind by Anna Stephens

June 26 to July 2 – The Waking Land by Callie Bates, The Furthest Station by Ben Aaronovitch, Soul of the World by David Mealing




July 3 to July 9 – Lost Boy by Christina Henry, The Legion of Flame by Anthony Ryan

July 10 to July 16 – Ash and Quill by Rachel Caine, A Kiss Before Doomsday by Laurence MacNaughton

July 17 to July 23 – Graveyard Shift by Michael F. Haspil

July 24 to July 31 – Star Wars: Inferno Squad by Christie Golden, Age of Swords by Michael J. Sullivan, Raid by K.S. Merbeth




August 1 to August 6 The Clockwork Dynasty by Daniel H. Wilson 

August 7 to August 13 – N/A

August 14 to August 20 – The Court of Broken Knives by Anna Smith Spark, The Stone Sky by N.K. Jemisin, The Core by Peter V. Brett, The Dinosaur Princess by Victor Milan

August 21 to August 27 – Swarm and Steel by Michael R. Fletcher

41 Comments on ““Can’t Wait” Books of Mid-2017”

  1. I couldn’t plan that far ahead! I’d be scared of changing my mind about what I wanted to read by the time I got to August! I am planning next month’d reading list as I write this. There are some books that I just need to get to next month. Good luck!


    • LOL, despite these lists, I make change all the time too, though the bulk of it remains the same. But yep, I keep adding books as I learn about them, or I might strike books of the list once I’m no longer as excited. These reading lists help to keep me on track, but I never claimed them to be 100% effective haha! 😉


  2. I’m also excited about The Stone Sky, The Boy on the Bridge, and Tremontaine! Also, I am not familiar with the series, but my inner eight year old says I need to read any book titled “The Dinosaur Princess.”

    Other summer releases I’m looking forward to include The Prey of Gods, Spoonbenders Daryl Gregory, All Systems Red by Martha Wells, Thick as Thieves Megan Whalen Turner, River of Teeth by Sarah Gailey, All Good Things by Emma Newman, Raven Stratagem by Yoon Ha Lee, The Harbors of the Sun by Martha Wells, Shattered Minds by Laura Lam, Our Dark Duet by Victoria Schwab and Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire.

    Looking at this, I really need to make a new list of my own…


    • Haha, I was drawn to the Dinosaur Lords series for that reason too – just OMFG DINOSAURS! And well, that was all she wrote. The series has had its ups and downs though; I enjoyed book one but book two was frustrating for a lot of reasons. Actually, part of the reason why I’m so excited for Dinosaur Princess is because I hope it will fix some of those issues.

      And I’ll be keeping a lookout for your reviews of all those books you named! Looks like we’ll be reading a lot of the same books this summer, and GAH how could I forget about All Systems Red and The Harbors of the Sun? All Good Things is on my list as well, but I need to quickly catch up with book 4 first.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. So many great picks on this list. Borrowed Souls, Tremontaine, and The Waking Lands are three of my most anticipated reads for all of 2017, not just the mid point! I’ve just finished Borrowed Souls and let’s just say it lived up to my expectations. 😀


  4. So many of these are on my list (the invisible, unposted list) for this summer. I’m going to have to get out a calendar and start planning out my reading schedule for a month or so just to make time!


  5. June and August are going to be my death months. I will basically spend May reading June releases (since I didn’t get my hand on Borrowed Souls).


  6. I love this post, it makes me so excited for the upcoming months! I have to agree with many of these (I won’t list the ones I’m excited about too, but trust me, many of them are on my list as well.) Wow, is the Stone Sky really coming out in August? I feel like I just read the last one…


  7. It’s hard to try and focus only on a few of these books, since there is a great number of them that appeals to me! Anyway I’m happy about the upcoming release of Free Space, since I enjoyed Admiral quite a bit, and I need to push the second volume of the Great Library up in my reading queue if I want to be ready for the arrival of book 3!


  8. Great list – I do so love lists! And, yes, they do help you to focus.
    I want to read the vampire book – Only the Dead Know Brooklyn and Blood Oath – those are the first two that immediately jump out at me although there are plenty more on here that I want – because I’m book greedy like that.
    Lynn 😀


  9. Ahhhh, The Stony Sky! That’s far and away my most anticipated read of the summer. I’m also looking forward to The Fallen Kingdom by Elizabeth May and Our Dark Duet by Victoria Schwab… and… I think that’s it. There are a few others I’m interested in, but I’ll wait for reviews to come out before I decide whether to read them. But those three are my definites.

    As for your list, The Court of Broken Knives sounds interesting, though I hadn’t heard of it or Anna Smith Sparks before. The cover for The Core also caught my eye, but then I realized that’s the final book in a series. What are your thoughts on The Demon Cycle up to this point?


  10. Whew, you’re set for months, if you get all of these! This is a great list! I’ve read Flame in the Mist and I absolutely loved it – definitely worth the hype. I was so worried that whenever I sat down to read it, I would not be able to get through it… nope, it was awesome. Happy reading, Mogsy! Happy May!

    Have a fantastic week. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!


  11. AH! I am so here for The Boy on The Bridge, Ash & Quill, and The Stone Sky! (Also, not on your list, but one in the UF Y genre – Our Dark Duet by Victoria Schwab.)

    Can’t wait to see your reviews for these!


  12. 😍 So many good things to come…I was hoping to get Soleri approved on Netgalley, but no such luck. And I know you’re looking forward to Swarm and Steel, so I’ll be excited to read your review of it! 😀


  13. Some of these caught my eye either because of its great cover design or cool title. The Waking Land sound interesting and I need to read Sebastien de Castell’s books. I heard they’re great, especially the fight scenes.


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