Waiting on Wednesday 10/26/16

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that lets us feature upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

The Dinosaur Princess by Victor Milán (August 15, 2017 by Tor)

While I adored The Dinosaur Lords, I hit a slump with its sequel The Dinosaur Knightswith one of my disappointments being caused by the portrayal of female characters especially Princess Melodía who was my favorite character from the first book. But then I learned the next book’s title –  a good sign that things could be turning around for Melodía? Despite my quibbles with the previous novel, I always did plan on continuing the series, and the description for the next volume is getting my blood pumping again. Plus, just take a look at that cover. And gawk.

the-dinosaur-princess“The newest epic fantasy adventure set in a world where knights ride armored dinosaurs into battle, hailed by George R. R. Martin as “A cross between Jurassic Park and Game of Thrones.”

With The Dinosaur Princess, we return to Paradise, Victor Milan’s fabulous alternate fantasy universe where humans from Earth were transported to a world where dinosaurs never became extinct.

It is a marvelous but dangerous place, a realm where knights ride these beasts in order to fight epic medieval battles, a place where magic is real.

The ancient gods who brought mankind to Paradise have returned to judge their human experiment. The Grey Angels, fabled ancient weapons of the gods, have come to rid the world of sin.

And if humans are deemed unworthy, they will be scourged from the face of Paradise.”

11 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 10/26/16”

  1. Glad to hear that the author seems to be introducing an important female character to the plot. Sadly, I could not get through The Dinosaur Lord despite its gorgeous packaging due to the lack of ladies and my issues with the pacing.


  2. Agreed, that cover is pretty awesome:-) I haven’t started this series but it sounds like I’d love it. I mean, how often do dinosaurs pop up in fantasy??


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