Waiting on Wednesday 09/28/16

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that lets us feature upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

Winter of the Gods by Jordanna Max Brodsky (February 14, 2017 by Orbit)

I am so excited about this book. I loved The Immortals earlier this year, when I got the opportunity to read it as well as listen to the audiobook which was superbly narrated by the author. It had me hooked from start to finish, and here’s hoping the sequel will be just as awesome.

winter-of-the-gods“Myth and reality collide in this sequel to The Immortals that sets Greek Gods against a modern Manhattan backdrop.

Manhattan has many secrets. Some are older than the city itself.

Winter in New York: snow falls, lights twinkle, and a very disgruntled Selene DiSilva prowls the streets looking for prey.

But when a dead body is discovered sprawled atop Wall Street’s iconic Charging Bull statue, it’s clear the NYPD can’t solve the murder without help. The murder isn’t just the work of another homicidal cult — this time, someone’s sacrificing the gods themselves.

While raising fundamental questions about the very existence of the gods, Selene must hunt down the perpetrators, tracking a conspiracy that will test the bonds of loyalty and love.”

12 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 09/28/16”

  1. I still need to read The Immortals but this cover has me wanting to start it sooner rather than later. I’m thinking of making January 2017 a month to focus on books I wanted to REALLY read and never got around too. My plans will probably change before then, but so far, it might work. Thanks for posting a great cover!


  2. The first book is still on my “next” list for future acquisitions, but I really need to start this series, since Greek mythology has always been one of my preferred topics at school, and it would be great to revisit those concepts in a new form.
    Thanks for reminding me! 🙂


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