Waiting on Wednesday 05/11/16

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that lets us feature upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

Conspiracy of Ravens by Lila Bowen (October 11, 2016 by Orbit)

Lila Bowen (AKA Delilah S. Dawson) follows up her western fantasy novel Wake of Vultures with this sequel that looks just as magical and monstrous!

Conspiracy of Ravens“Nettie Lonesome made a leap — not knowing what she’d become. But now the destiny of the Shadow is calling.

A powerful alchemist is leaving a trail of dead across the prairie. And the Shadow must face the ultimate challenge: side with her friends and the badge on her chest or take off alone on the dangerous mission pulling her inexorably toward the fight of her life.

When it comes to monsters and men, the world isn’t black and white. What good are two wings and a gun when your enemy can command a conspiracy of ravens?

Conspiracy of Ravens continues the exciting journey begun in Wake of Vultures as Nettie Lonesome discovers that she, and the world, are more than what they seem.”

13 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 05/11/16”

  1. Ooh I need to catch up! Nice cover, although I’m a little annoyed by all the blurbs on the cover, lol. Although I’ll bet Lila is enjoying them:-)


    • I know! Whoever is doing up covers at Orbit, they need to dial back on the “advertising”, which means not plastering the cover with blurbs or little circles with images of the author’s previous novel 😉


  2. I have the first book queued up for listening this month, so this will probably end up on my TBR if I have a good outing with the first book.


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