Waiting on Wednesday 04/06/16

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that lets us feature upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick

Owl and the Electric Samurai (August 22, 2016 by Pocket Star)

Owl is back for her third adventure this summer, and I love both the title and the cover (Hey Owl, is that a hammer in your hand?)

Owl and the Electric Samurai“The third exciting novel starring the unforgettable antiquities thief Owl—a modern-day “Indiana Jane” who reluctantly navigates the hidden supernatural world. From the pen of rising urban fantasy star Kristi Charish (Owl and the Japanese Circus) and for fans of Kim Harrison, Jim Butcher, Jennifer Estep, Jenn Bennett, and fantasy lovers everywhere.

The International Archaeology Association (IAA) is responsible for keeping all things supernatural under wraps. They’re also responsible for ruining the promising archaeology career of Alix Hiboux, better known as Owl.

Needless to say, Owl’s still a little sore about that.

Just to keep Owl’s life lively, the IAA has opened a bounty on the two designers of World Quest, the online RPG that is much, much more than it seems. Owl needs to locate the notorious gaming duo before the other mercenaries do. But finding the gamers won’t be easy since every clue points to them hiding out in the legendary lost city of Shangri-La. Not to mention that the last time Owl and the game designers spoke, their conversation didn’t exactly end on the best note…

Meanwhile, undercurrents of supernatural politics are running amok in Tokyo, dragging Owl and her friends into a deadly game of wits with an opponent who calls himself the Electric Samurai. The cost of losing? All-out civil war between two powerful supernatural factions.

All in all, just another great day on the job.”

15 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 04/06/16”

  1. Cool! I didn’t realize book three had a cover yet. I do love the title, I know what you mean. Although I’m behind reading book two so I’ll need to catch up.


  2. I still haven’t read book two *groan* I’m having a hard time lately with e-reader books. I already have my reading time split up between physical books and audio so e-books are always the last to get picked. Sigh. I really need to get caught up though because I had a blast with the first one…and now that the third is coming out. Eeep! GREAT pick my friend^^ x


  3. I’m really enjoying Kristi Charish’s stuff so far, hopefully this third Owl book will continue the trend of awesomeness. Her first Kincaid Strange book is slated for my TBR this month, too! 🙂


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