Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books You Recently Added To Your To-Be-Read List


Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. They created the meme because they love lists. Who doesn’t love lists? They wanted to share these list with fellow booklovers and ask that we share in return to connect with our fellow book lovers. To learn more about participating in the challenge, stop by their page dedicated to it and dive in!

This week’s topic: Ten Books You Recently Added To Your To-Be-Read List

Tiara’s Picks

AchillesThe Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

This book is Miller’s debut book, which reimagines Homer’s The Iliad. As a big fan of history and mythology, there was no way I couldn’t add this book to my TBR pile. Add the fact that I love imaginative retellings of old stories. I never get tired of them. I’ve even added this book to my upcoming reads pile as well since I am very excited about this one.

GeminiThe Gemini Effect by Chuck Grossart

From what I can gather from the description of this one, it’s probably a military sci-fi story with zombies. I hate zombies, but I’m willing to give anything with zombies a chance because I like to think I’m a fair person that can actually overlook that part if I think that a story is done well enough for me to actually enjoy that aspect. As with many zombie, it’s biological in nature and treated as biowarefare by the United Stated, and the U.S. prepares to unleash everything it has on its own people survivors or not.

HornsHorns by Joe Hill

Yeah, this is the book the movie that Harry Potter… I mean, Daniel Radcliffe starred in recently. I think I’ll use its short synopsis to give you the gist of the story: “Ignatius Perrish spent the night drunk and doing terrible things. He woke up the next morning with a thunderous hangover, a raging headache . . . and a pair of horns growing from his temples.”  I’ve watched the movie with my husband, so I’m aware of where its going. However, I still want to see how the book compares to the movie.

AfterTheFallAfter the Fall, Before the Fall, During the Fall by Nancy Kress

In the year 2035, an ecological disaster has destroyed the Earth, but 26 survivors are housed by an alien race in a sterile environment called the Shell. As the survivors begin to die out, they find a way to change this disaster using brief time portals, which lead them to a brilliant mathematician, Julie Kahn, in the year 2013.

The Prophecy ConThe Prophecy Con by Patrick Weekes

This is the sequel to The Palace Job, which I enjoyed very much. It was a humorous caper that was just plain fun. I immediately downloaded it to my Kindle after finishing the first because I knew this was something I was going to read in coming weeks. This book’s summary asks the question: “Who would have thought a book of naughty poems by elves could mean the difference between war and peace?” I can already tell this is going to be another mad adventure  that’s going probably going to have me chuckling as much as the first one. I love a good time! (Side Note: If you utilize Kindle Unlimited, these books are available to read without charge, and they both utilize Whispersync. The audiobook is included with the first book, and the audiobook price is reduced to $2 for this book once you download it through Kindle Unlimited.)

WrittenThe Written by Ben Galley

The book touts itself as Lord of the Rings meets Sin City. It’s no secret that I’m no fan of Tolkien, but I am a huge fan of Sin City. This book promises dragons, drugs, magick, death, and the deepest of betrayals with a reluctant hero (of course), so I’ll forgive its Lord of the Rings comparison if it delivers on everything else.

The Book of Strange New Things by Michel Faber

Strange ThingsA man of faith travels to a new galaxy to spread his faith about the Bible (the book of strange new things) to the inhabitants of this galaxy. While he spreads the Gospel, he leaves behind a wife who sends letters that become increasing fearful as apocalyptic events begin to unfold on earth. The premise of this already interested me, but I don’t know for some reason, a part of me is hoping that this book is beautifully tragic in much the same way as Mandel’s Station Eleven, which transcended so much of the dystopian/apocalyptic genre.

Light FantasticThe Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett

Until The Color of Magic, which I read a couple of weeks back, I hadn’t read anything by Terry Pratchett. I’d been meaning to get around to doing that, and I am friends with a few people who absolutely adore his Discworld books who’d been encouraging this for some time. With Pratchett’s recent passing, a friend decided to do a complete read through of the series, and I decided to join him in this endeavor. We’re not going in chronological order but story order. We’re working out way through the Rincewind novels. I met Rincewind in the The Color of Magic, in which he’s quite possibly the world’s worst wizard (but not exactly his own fault), and now in this book the fate of the world rests on him. This is sure to be fun.

Wendy Darling by Colleen Oakes

Wendy DarlingAs I mentioned above in The Song of Achilles, I love imaginative retellings. I’ve read quite a few Peter Pan retellings, including Tiger Lily by Jodi Lynn Anderson, The Child Thief by Brom, and Tiger Heart by Peter David–all of which were magnificent books. This will be the first retelling I’ve read that will be Wendy-centric. Certainly, she played her roles in the other books, but this will be the first I’ve read that focuses on her. Unfortunately, it won’t be out until October. Boo!

Madame LillyMadame Lilly, Voodoo Priestess by Dormaine G.

In 1800s, Odara, a creole woman, isn’t interested in partaking in  the plaçage (a historical event where wealthy white men of the time took common law wives among women of color and provided for them; these marriages weren’t official, but had some contractual duties attached to them) way of life until she meets Henry Nicolas. After entering an arrangement with him, she learns about his sadistic side. After enduring this man for years, Odara turns to voodoo to help settle her score, even if means a great cost. New Orleans is always an interesting setting for the supernatural, especially voodoo. Plaçage is a part of historical events I have a keen interest in, so I can’t wait to see what the author has done with that, as well.

24 Comments on “Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books You Recently Added To Your To-Be-Read List”

  1. Interesting list, Tiara. None of those titles are on my TBR list. Though I really should start reading some Terry Pratchett / Discworld novels.

    I didn’t post a blog entry for this TTT. But if I check Goodreads now, here’s what my list would look like:

    1. “Ink and Bone” by Rachel Caine
    2. “Crown of Ice” by Vicki L. Weavil
    3. “The Eye of the World” (The Wheel of Time, #1) by Robert Jordan
    4. “Dreamstrider” by Lindsay Smith
    5. “The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms” (Inheritance Trilogy, #1) by N.K. Jemisin
    6. “The Outsiders” by S.E. Hilton
    7. “Night Study” by Maria V. Snyder
    8. “The Faerie Ring” by Kiki Hamilton
    9. “Sunbolt” by Intisar Khanani
    10. “The House of Shattered Wings” by Aliette de Bodard

    Liked by 1 person

    • Great list! I think I have about half of those books on my TBR pile, too, but now, I’m looking into some of the other ones to see what they’re about. I was just discussing The Wheel of Time books with Wendy not too long ago. I’ve already read The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms and its second book (haven’t finished the 3rd book yet). I highly recommend it.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks! Quite a few people have “scolded” me for not reading The Wheel Of Time series, so I’m trying to change that soon. *lol* And I’ve heard amazing things about Jemisin’s work, too, so I’m looking forward to reading her books.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I haven’t read them either and have gotten quite a few “looks” myself. I got those same looks when I wouldn’t read GRRM’s A Song of Ice and Fire before it became a television series, but I’ve remedied that mostly (after it became a television series and I liked it). I haven’t read the last book he wrote yet because I got sort of burned out on them from reading them back to back, which turned out not to be a good idea for me. Jemisin does write some amazing book. The lore in the Inheritance Trilogy is excellent. She also writes excellent commentary and blog posts about things like writing and diversity.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve heard about The Song of Achilles and pretty much only good things too. And the Gemini Effect was a kindle prime advanced read, so I got it for free. Still not really my sort of book, but interesting enough! And why are Peter pan retellings called Tiger Something? Tiger Lily, Tiger Heart – am I missing something about Peter pan?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m hoping that I like the Gemini Effect. A reading friend I trust thought I might enjoy it, so I’m really giving it a chance because I put my reading life in his hands, and he rarely puts me on the wrong path. LOL.

      It does seem like Peter Pan retellings are likely to include the word “Tiger.” But Tiger Lily did focus mainly on Tiger Lily. Tiger Heart was more of a general Peter Pan retelling, and I thought it could’ve had a better title because when I see “Tiger,” I always assume it’ll be a Tiger Lily story.


  3. Woah, your picks are ALL new to me O.O …except Wendy Darling, which I came across last week for the first time. It does sound quite unique, so I hope it delivers. I was aware of Horns because of Harry, I mean Dan Radcliffe, but I didn’t even know it was based on a book >.< You can be sure I'll be checking most of your other titles here too, they all sound really good! Awesome list^^

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you!

      I had no idea that Horns was a book either until recently either, but I’m hoping that it turns out to be a good read… when I get around to it.


    • That is so awesome you majored in the Classics. I wanted to major in history when I was in school (along with EVERYTHING ELSE it seems), but I ended up being a comp sci major who still has an intense love of all things history, mythological, legendary, etc. A friend of mine just turned me on to The Written. I’d never heard of it either, but I loved the cover.


  4. Yep, everyone loves lists. I read The Song of Achilles and enjoyed it – very different.
    I also have the Galley and Hill books waiting to be read. Who can catch up, really! Too many books – and I want them all 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • One of my trusted readers is reading it right now for his “End of the World” book tour as he calls it. I’m awaiting his final verdict on it. For some reason it seems likes it’s going to be a cross between Mandel’s Station Eleven and Kerr’s The Old Equations. Both of which I love, so I’m probably just hopeful.


    • This would be the first thing I’ve ever read by her. I’m sorry she doesn’t do it for you. What books specifically have you read by her so I’ll know what to be on the look out for?


      • I’ve read Yesterday’s Kin and… Steal Across The Sky, I think is the title? There seems to be a sort of theme/tone that dominates her work, judging from what I’ve read. It might be a you like it or you don’t type of thing!


  5. I loved Song of Achilles – totally engrossing and if you like the greek mythology etc… I think you’ll dig it. Beautiful writing and an interesting personal take on the story. I also have The Gemini Effect sitting on my kindle and am not sure whether I am excited about it or not, lol! The Book of Strange New things is one I’d also like to get to.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I absolutely adore mythology. Greek, African, Norse… all of it. Give it to me. I can never get enough of it. I’m a little so-so about The Gemini Effect, too, but I’m going to give it a try.


  6. Pingback: Tiara’s Bookish Bingo: Ready for Spring! | The BiblioSanctum

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