Waiting on Wednesday 02/04/15

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that lets us feature upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick:

Tower of Thorns by Juliet Marillier: November 3, 2015 (Roc)

Do I really need to explain why I’m looking forward to this? Tower of Thorns is book two of Juliet Marillier’s brand new adult series Blackthorn and Grim, the follow up to Dreamer’s Pool which was one of my favorite reads last year. If you haven’t read it yet, what ever are you waiting for? And I just have to say, that is one fine looking cover, worthy of the first one.

Tower of Thorns“Award-winning author Juliet Marillier’s “lavishly detailed”* Blackthorn & Grim series continues as a mysterious creature holds an enchanted and imperiled ancient Ireland in thrall.

Disillusioned healer Blackthorn and her companion, Grim, have settled in Dalriada to wait out the seven years of Blackthorn’s bond to her fey mentor, hoping to avoid any dire challenges. But trouble has a way of seeking out Blackthorn and Grim.

Lady Geiléis, a noblewoman from the northern border, has asked for the prince of Dalriada’s help in expelling a howling creature from an old tower on her land—one surrounded by an impenetrable hedge of thorns. Casting a blight over the entire district, and impossible to drive out by ordinary means, it threatens both the safety and the sanity of all who live nearby. With no ready solutions to offer, the prince consults Blackthorn and Grim.

As Blackthorn and Grim begin to put the pieces of this puzzle together, it’s apparent that a powerful adversary is working behind the scenes. Their quest is about to become a life and death struggle—a conflict in which even the closest of friends can find themselves on opposite sides.”

19 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 02/04/15”

  1. LOVE. IT. I especially love the braided gray hair. And clearly this cover is why we should all be living in a fantasy world.


    • At first glance, I actually thought the hair was ash blonde – the first image of the cover I saw wasn’t very detailed. Anyway, that’s just me saying I agree, the face is too young looking.


  2. Okay, okay . . . enough the the pressure – I don’t know what I’ve been waiting for, but I promise to get to it soon! 🙂

    Seriously, this is one of those series that I want to read, it’s just a matter of finding the time. Nice pick!


  3. I still haven’t read Dreamer’s Pool *hangs head in shame* BUT it IS on my wishlist/tbr shelf! I’m hoping to get my hands on it soon – especially with the sequel’s release fast approaching 😀 Hope you’ll love this one even more than the first one ^^


  4. We were on the same wave length this week, Mogsy! I was so happy when I saw the cover for this book a few days ago. I’m really looking forward to this one.


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