November Happenings: Sci-Fi Month, NaNoWriMo 2014, and Gaming Flail!

November is going to be a very busy month for us at BiblioSanctum, from NaNoWriMo to SciFiMonth, to our many gaming endeavors. Here’s what’s up!

Sci-Fi NovemberNovember is SciFiMonth! We’ll be joining other bloggers, authors, and readers in everything science fiction! Look out for reviews and more, as we turn away from the fantastical to partake of the scientific! For more information, visit Oh,The Books SciFiMonth post, and follow the hashtag #RRSciFiMonth. Here at BiblioSanctum, our reviews and posts will branch off from the usual to encompass the various mediums that science fiction touches. From television and film, to video games, and more.

NaNoWriMoAnd of course,  November is also National Novel Writing Month, also known as NaNoWriMo. For those not familiar with it, NaNo is a month-long writing event that challenges participants to write 50,000 words of a new novel from November 1 to November 30. Once again the BiblioSanctum bloggers will be taking part, but fear not, we’ll be doing our best to keep this blog updated with plenty of reviews and other goodness in the midst of all the novel writing frenzy! November 2014 may be a busier month than usual, but for many of us, NaNo is an annual tradition — it’s just something we do every year no matter what! And ultimately, it doesn’t matter if you don’t “win” because it never hurts to try. Whether or not you reach 50K words or even just a fraction of that, at the end of the month you’ll end up much farther ahead on your writing project than you would’ve if you’d never even started, and that’s the important thing.

Dragon_Age_Inquisition_BoxArtAs you know, Mogsy, Wendy, and Tiara are gamers, so November will also bring us lots of gaming flails with the release of Dragon Age: Inquisition and  World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor. When we’re not busy playing our shiny new games, we’ll be reading and reviewing some of the many gaming related books and comics out there, including the latest Dragon Age novels. While these games are deeply entrenched in the fantasy genre, you won’t be able to fight the signal when we get our hands on them. Be prepared for much flail and many feels!

20 Comments on “November Happenings: Sci-Fi Month, NaNoWriMo 2014, and Gaming Flail!”

  1. I’m happy to hear about Sci-Fi month, there aren’t enough new Scifi novels right now. Good luck with Nano! I’m glad you’re excited about the new games, sounds like you’ll be pressed for time this month.


    • November’s a busy time for all, it seems. Luckily, the new releases seem to slow down towards the end of the year, or at least I usually find less to interest me, so Nov-Dec is good for catch up.


  2. Good luck with NaNo! Sounds like you’ve got lots of NaNo experience under your belts. I’ve participated twice, once I won and the second time I just did a week and then got way too busy. Now that I’m working full time again it just seems impossible, and if I had to choose between my blog and NaNo, I choose my blog:-) I’ll see you in the Sci Fi Month trenches!


    • I was supposed to be working part time this month, but now it will be almost full time…. so we’ll see how I do with NaNo. I didn’t enjoy my first experience last year, so I’ll see how things go this year.


    • Each year I tell myself I have no business doing NaNo because of how busy I am, and it’s the same for this year. But for the last three years I somehow managed to squeak by! I always end the month totally burned out though, so this year I’m going to be taking it a bit easier. No forcing myself to stay up late or anything if I haven’t met my word quota, etc. If I make it I make it. If I don’t, there’s next year!


  3. Pingback: My Crazy November | gamerlady

  4. Woot! November is going to be awesome 😀 I wish you all luck with NaNoWriMo, it’s not something I’ve ever truly pursued, though there is apparently a scientific writing version that I’ll do at some point when I have things to write into papers, haha! I’m also excited to hear about the new WoW expansion/patch (which??) since I’m still vicariously living through you gamers instead of letting myself getting back into gaming >.>


  5. Wow you guys are going to be busy!

    Also do any of you guys play Civ? Because Beyond Earth just came out. It is horribly additive and I mean that in the most complimentary way (not that you probably need more to do this month!…).


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