Waiting on Wednesday 08/20/14

“Waiting On Wednesday” is a weekly meme hosted by Breaking the Spine that lets us feature upcoming releases that we can’t wait to get our hands on!

Mogsy’s Pick:

Burned by Karen Marie Moning: January 20, 2015 (Delacorte)

This is sort of a departure from what I usually read, arguably more Paranormal Romance than your straight up Urban Fantasy, but still. After all, I look back and see that I enjoyed the Fever books for so much more than just the romance (in truth, Mac and Barrons pissed me off to no end).

BurnedAnyway, Burned is actually the second book of a spin-off series that started after the conclusion of those Fever books, focusing on the spunky and foul-mouthed teen Dani “Mega” O’Malley.  The ups and downs I’ve experienced with some of these characters notwithstanding, I can’t deny I’ve also become quite invested after spending six books reading about them. Isn’t that always the case?

Now, despite the protagonist’s age (14, in case you’re wondering), these Dani books are most definitely NOT Young Adult. And to tell the truth, some of the encounters between her and the much older men in her life made me feel all kinds of dirty and wrong when I was reading Iced! I’ve heard said that Moning might be jumping forward in time for Burned and making Dani older in this second book, which would make a lot of sense, but so far I haven’t seen anything to confirm that. For the most part, I have not actually heard much about Burned at all. Maybe the book description  just isn’t ready yet, or maybe the publisher and author are keeping their cards close to their chest, but either way, I’m soooo curious about where Dani’s story will go.

And I also couldn’t find much more than the following blurb on Goodreads. Still, that’s one stunning cover.

“MacKayla Lane and Dani “Mega” O’Malley are back with a vengeance in Burned, the seventh novel in the blockbuster Fever series from #1 New York Times bestselling sensation Karen Marie Moning.”

21 Comments on “Waiting on Wednesday 08/20/14”

  1. You’re right about the cover, and I’m really curious to try this series. And very curious about the Lolita-sounding romance!


    • Yeah, it would be very interesting, because I don’t think that’s what the author was trying to go for, so I guess we’ll just see how that resolves!


    • Yeah there are so many rumors flying all over the place about this book! I haven’t heard that one about Mac. It would be interesting to see, but I would be disappointed if it’s true since I think Dani should have a chance to shine in her own books.


    • I know what you mean, I read Iced as soon as it came out, and then it was a long string of disappointments seeing the release date of Burned pushed back again and again!


  2. I learned my lesson about KMM with Fever, LOL. I have Iced. It’s sitting on my bookshelf behind me, looking just as pretty as Burned will when I put it beside Iced when it’s finally published. And there it was also sit until book 3 comes out. No more KMM cliffhangers for this girl! But yeah, looking forward to the day when I can read all of them 😉


    • See, I had no idea there was such a long wait between books for Fever. I bought the audiobook of the first book from and Audible sale because it looked interesting, and that was right before Shadowfever came out so I was able to binge read all of them. Then I found out about Iced and of course, picked that one up too…I had no idea she was known for long waits between books! Lesson learned 😛


  3. I’ve also heard that the romantic situation between Dani and, well, everyone is a little weird. Apparently there’s a lot of talk about her “young legs” or something. To that I say: ew. I’m definitely hoping that she’s at least 16 in Burned.


    • True, I’m not really into PNR either, really. I think the reason why I was able to read these books is that they are not as “romancey” as a lot of the more mainstream stuff in the genre 🙂


  4. I still haven’t read Iced, but I’ve owned a copy for ever. It makes me cringe that things were kind of…uncomfortable with Dani as the younger MC this time around. I hope I can get passed it when I get into Iced. Even still, I featured Burned as my WoW pick a few weeks back too, I love the world KMM created and can’t wait to get back to it 😀 Hopefully Burned improves on Iced as you said but yeah, I can’t wait for us to get more info on this one. Great pick ^^


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